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Apache::Queue - An HTTP file queueing system.


  <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/files">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Queue
    # the size of the queue (default: 300)
    PerlSetVar QueueSize 300
    # how many simultanious file transfers
    # before queueing (default: 10)
    PerlSetVar MaxSends 10
    # Location of queue files (default: /tmp)
    # This path must be writable by the Apache
    # process
    PerlSetVar QueuePath /tmp
    # Location of customized templates if needed
    # Do not set this if you wish to use the internal templates
    # Templates are process by Template-Toolkit, see
    # for docs
    # There are 4 template files needed.
    #  queue_send.html     - The "Your download should start..." page
    #  queue_sending.html  - Notifys the visitor of an existing download
    #  queue_position.html - Page used while a user is inline
    #  queue_full.html     - Tells the queue is full
    # View the defaults in the module for samples
    PerlSetVar TemplatePath /usr/local/apache/templates


An HTTP file queueing system. Allow visitors to "line up" to download files.


mod_perl(3), Apache(3)


Donald Becker -