Apache::Session::Store::Memorycached - Store persistent data on the network with memcached


my $store = new Apache::Session::Store::Memorycached;


This module fulfills the storage interface of Apache::Session. The serialized objects are stored in files on your network in unused memory


This module requires one argument in the usual Apache::Session style. The name of the option is servers, and the value is the same of memcached . Example

tie %s, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef,
{servers => ['mymemcachedserver:port'],
'timeout' => '300',
'updateOnly' => 1 ,
'principal' => uid,

In order to optimize the network ,you can use a local memcached server. All read-only opération are sending fisrt at local server .If you need write ou rewrite data , the data is sending at the principal memcached sever and local cache too for synchronisation.

note : 'updateOnly' => 1 just realize up-date operation not init operation. Init operation is use in order to book and lock the number session but it's not available in this module

'principal' => uid : this parameter is use to create reverse reference
like this : MD5_hex(uid) => id_session in memcached server . By this it usefull to retrieve id_session from principal name . And add uid_MD5 => MD5_hex(uid) in main session .



This module was written by eric german <>



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 268:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'opération'. Assuming CP1252