App::PODUtils - Command-line utilities related to POD
This document describes version 0.050 of App::PODUtils (from Perl distribution App-PODUtils), released on 2021-07-20.
This distribution provides the following command-line utilities related to Perl POD:
dump_pod_structure(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
Dump POD structure using Pod::Elemental.
This is actually just a shortcut for:
% podsel FILENAME --root --dump --transform Pod5 --transform Nester
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
pod => perl::pod_filename (default: "-")
Path to a .POD file, or a POD name (e.g. Foo::Bar) which will be searched in @INC.
"-" means standard input.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.
Return value: (any)
extract_links_in_pod(%args) -> any
Extract links in POD.
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
detail => bool
pod => perl::pod_filename (default: "-")
Path to a .POD file, or a POD name (e.g. Foo::Bar) which will be searched in @INC.
"-" means standard input.
Return value: (any)
reverse_pod_headings(%args) -> any
Reverse POD headings.
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
command => str (default: "head1")
naked_pod => bool
Strip =pod and =cut delimiters.
Normally, when outputing POD text, the
header and=cut
footer are included. This option, if enabled, strips the outputting of such header/footer.pod => perl::pod_filename (default: "-")
Path to a .POD file, or a POD name (e.g. Foo::Bar) which will be searched in @INC.
"-" means standard input.
Return value: (any)
sort_pod_headings(%args) -> any
Sort POD headings in text.
This utility sorts POD headings in text. By default it sorts =head1 headings. For example this POD:
=head1 b
some text for b
=head1 a
text for a
=head2 a2
=head2 a1
=head1 c
text for c
will be sorted into:
=head1 a
text for a
=head2 a2
=head2 a1
=head1 b
some text for b
=head1 c
text for c
Note that the =head2 headings are not sorted. If you want to sort those, you can rerun the utility and specify the --command=head2
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
command => str (default: "head1")
naked_pod => bool
Strip =pod and =cut delimiters.
Normally, when outputing POD text, the
header and=cut
footer are included. This option, if enabled, strips the outputting of such header/footer.pod => perl::pod_filename (default: "-")
Path to a .POD file, or a POD name (e.g. Foo::Bar) which will be searched in @INC.
"-" means standard input.
sort_args => array[str]
Arguments to pass to the Sort::Sub::* routine.
sort_sub => sortsub::spec
Name of a Sort::Sub::* module (without the prefix).
Return value: (any)
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Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
podtohtml from App::podtohtml
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.