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App::Rad::Plugin::ValuePriority - A Plugin to make it easy to get value from all acessors.


Version 0.02


    use App::Rad qw/ValuePriority/;

    sub command_1 {
       my $c = shift;
       $c->stash->{value_1}         = "Test 01";
       $c->default_value->{value_2} = "Test 02";
       return join " --- ", $c->value->{value_1}, $c->value->{value_2}, $c->value->{value_3};
       # It will print Test 01 --- Test 02 ---
       # but if you call program like this:
       # ./ command_1 --value_2="Option 02" --value_3="Option 03"
       # it will print:
       # Test 01 --- Option 02 --- Option 03
    sub command_2 {
       my $c = shift;
       $c->stash->{value_1}         = "Test 01";
       $c->default_value->{value_2} = "Test 02";
       return join " --- ", $c->stash->{value_1}, $c->stash->{value_2}, $c->stash->{value_3};
       # It will print Test 01 --- Test 02 ---                             
       # but if you call program like this:                                
       # ./ command_2 --value_2="Option 02" --value_3="Option 03"
       # it will print:
       # Test 01 --- Option 02 --- Option 03                               



Internal func


It is a acessor. You use it to set and get some key/value pairs.


It receives a ordered list of what should receive priority. The options are: options, config, stash, default_value And that is the default order.


As the name says, it return the priority order. As a arrayref


it populate the $c->stash with the values obeying the setted order.


Return the value obeying the setted order.