App::SourcePlot::Plotter::Tk - Create a Tk canvas with easy-to-use method names
This class provides methods to use a GUI canvas with ease. The commands will be generalized to ensure easy transfer between graphing packages.
- new
Create a new instance of Plotter::Tk object. A new canvas will be created with the specified coordinates. This method will create a new window for use by the canvas if one is not passed in.
$plotter = App::SourcePlot::Plotter::Tk->new($MainWindow, $width, $height);
Canvas functions
- getCanvas
Used specifically within this module, it allows the programmer to add new features to this module with ease by accessing the Tk canvas.
$can = $plotter->getCanvas();
Setup tools
- width
Returns the width of a canvas.
$w = $plotter->width();
- height
Returns the width of a canvas.
$w = $plotter->height();
- setBackground
Sets the background color
- setForeground
Sets the foreground color.
- font
Sets and returns the font currently being used.
$f = $plotter->font(); $plotter->font($f);
- fontColor
Sets and returns the font color.
- fontSize
Sets and returns the font size.
$plotter->fontSize(5); $size = $plotter->fontSize();
- drawColor
Sets and returns the drawing color, used for filling as well.
$plotter->drawColor('Black'); $c = $plotter->drawColor();
- penWidth
Sets and returns the width lines, circles, etc will be drawn in.
$plotter->penWidth(3); $w = $plotter->penWidth();
- pack
Packs the canvas into a certain position within a main window or frame.
$plotter->pack(-side => 'left');
Conversion from world to pixels
- worldCenter
Sets the center of the world coordinates on the screen Best to set the centre in pixels, and then the appropriate world coordinates can be set at this point using worldAtZero.
$plotter->worldCenter ($centerx, $centery);
- worldAtZero
Offsets the centre of the world coordinates to allow specific world coordinates to be the new centre coordinates.
$plotter->worldAtZero ($centerx, $centery);
- worldToPixRatio
Sets the ratio between the world coordinates and pixels
$plotter->worldToPixRatio($dx, $dy);
- usingWorld
Tells the module whether you wish to use the world coordinates when specifying coordinates, or if you want to use pixels. Returns and sets the value (1 for on, 0 for off).
$u = $plotter->usingWorld(); $plotter->usingWorld(1);
- setWorldSize
Sets the center of the world coordinates and the ratio between those coordinates and pixels
$plotter->setWorldSize($centerx, $centery, $dx, $dy);
- toP
Converts coordinates into pixels. The input coordinates are assumed to be associated with the value in usingWorld.
($x, $y) = $plotter->toP($x1, $y1); ($x) = $plotter->toPx($x1); ($y) = $plotter->toPy($y1);
- toPx
Converts passed in paramter into pixels.
- toPy
Converts passed in paramter into pixels.
- toW
Converts pixel coordinates into current system. The output coordinates are assumed to be associated with the value in usingWorld.
($x, $y) = $plotter->toW($x1, $y1); ($x) = $plotter->toWx($x1); ($y) = $plotter->toWy($y1);
- toWx
Must specify (x).
- toWy
Must specify (y).
Drawing tools
- clean
Removes all drawn objects from the canvas.
- delete
Deletes all objects with one specific tag.
- printCanvas
Prints the canvas to a printer
$plotter->printCanvas('file', 'filename'); $plotter->printCanvas('printer', '-PHello');
- flushGraphics
This function is not used in this module but should be included as the last command before you want your graphics to appear. Allows for easy mobility between different plotters.
- configureTag
Configures the items with the given tag.
$plotter->configureTag('oval', -fill => 'black');
- bindTag
Binds the items with the given tag.
$plotter->bindTag('oval', '<Any-Enter>' => sub {print "hello"});
- existTag
Returns the number of items associated with that tag
$exists = $plotter->existTag('oval');
- raiseAbove
Raise the objects with the first tag above the objects with the second tag.
$plotter->raiseAbove('oval', 'square');
- lowerBelow
Lowers the objects with the first tag below the objects with the second tag.
$plotter->lowerBelow('oval', 'square');
- drawTextVert
Draws text on the canvas in the given (x, y) coordinates using the current font, font size, and font Color. Returns the text item number. Adds a tag name if one is given. Draws it vertically
$plotter->drawTextVert(5, 5, "hello"); $id = $plotter->drawTextVert(5, 5, "hello", 'text');
- drawText
Draws text on the canvas in the given (x, y) coordinates using the current font, font size, and font Color. Returns the text item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawText(5, 5, "hello"); $id = $plotter->drawText(5, 5, "hello", 'text');
- drawTextFromLeft
Draws text on the canvas in the given (x, y) coordinates using the current font, font size, and font Color. Returns the text item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawTextFromLeft(5, 5, "hello"); $id = $plotter->drawTextFromLeft(5, 5, "hello", 'text');
- drawTextFromRight
Draws text on the canvas in the given (x, y) coordinates using the current font, font size, and font Color. Returns the text item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawTextFromRight(5, 5, "hello"); $id = $plotter->drawTextFromRight(5, 5, "hello", 'text');
- drawOval
Draws an oval on the canvas in the given set of (x, y) coordinates Returns the ovals item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawOval(5, 5, 10, 10); $id = $plotter->drawOval(5, 5, 10, 10, 'oval');
- drawFillOval
Draws an oval on the canvas in the given set of (x, y) coordinates and fills it. Returns the ovals item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawFillOval(5, 5, 10, 10); $id = $plotter->drawFillOval(5, 5, 10, 10, 'oval');
- drawLine
Draws a line on the canvas in the given set of (x, y) coordinates Returns the lines item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawLine(5, 5, 10, 10); $id = $plotter->drawLine(5, 5, 10, 10, 'line');
- drawSmoothLine
Draws a smooth line on the canvas through the given (x, y) coordinates. Gives the object the tag $tag if one is given
$plotter->drawSmoothLine(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 5, 20 => 0); $id = $plotter->drawSmoothLine(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 5, 20 => 0, $tag);
- drawBox
Draws a box on the canvas in the given set of (x, y) coordinates Returns the box item number. Adds a tag name if one is given.
$plotter->drawBox(5, 5, 10, 10); $id = $plotter->drawBox(5, 5, 10, 10, 'box');
Casey Best (University of Victoria) with help from Tim Jenness.
Copyright (C) 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council. Copyright 1998-2000 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.