CGI::MakeItStatic - not cache, to make cgi static
### simple usage
use CGI::MakeItStatic;
my $q = new CGI;
my $check = CGI::MakeItStatic->check($q, {dir => '/var/www/static'})
or exit;
# do something ...
### advanced usage
use CGI::MakeItStatic;
my $q = new CGI;
my $check = CGI::MakeItStatic->check
dir => "/tmp/CGI-MakeItStatic",
keys => [qw/month_ago/],
# code to define static name
name =>
my($q) = @_;
my($m, $y) = (localtime)[4, 5];
$y += 1900; $m++;
return sprintf("month_ago=%04d%02d", ($m -= $q->param('month_ago')) <= 0 ? ($y + int($m / 12) - 1, $m % 12 || 12) : ($y, $m));
# if month_ago > 2, won't recreate
forbidrenew =>
sub {
my($q) = @_;
return ($q->param('month_ago') > 2) or $q->param('month_ago') < 0;
# if month_ago > 10, not do special thing
forbid =>
sub {
my($q) = @_;
return $q->param('month_ago') > 10 or $q->param('month_ago') < 0;
) or exit;
# do something ...
CGI::MakeItStatic makes CGI program static. It is for not good CGI programs. For examle, Here is the program which display some statistics for each month. But it is no need to calculate past month statistics because it never be changed. If it takes too much time to calcurate past month statistics, ... it is too bad. CGI::MakeItStatic provides the simple way to make it static.
1.create object
- if static file exists, print it and return.
- else
-- hijack STDOUT
-- define static file name
normaly, CGI filename and escaped key=value&key=value...
2. CGI do something
3. output hijacked STDOUT to file and STDOUT
At first, construct CGI::MakeItStatic object with CGI object and some option. You have to get the object. if you don't receive it, this doesn't work well at all. In this timing, STDOUT is hijacked by CGI::MakeItStatic object and it stores the result of CGI execution to variable. Finaly, when the object is destroyed, it outputs variable contents to file and STDOUT.
- check
my $check = CGI::MakeItStatic->check($q, $attr) or exit;
$q is CGI object, $attr is hashref as constructor option. if static file exists already, it returns 0 (but it is object). Normaly, if 0 is returned, program should do exit.
If program don't exit, you should use 'noprint' option and use 'end' method at last.
- dir = $directory
directory location to store static file. Only this option is required.
- keys = [qw/key1 key2/]
Normaly static file name is filename and all key value paris. With this option, you can use only key(s) you want.
- name = $code_ref
When you want your rule for static file name, use it. $code_ref have to return name of static file name. See SYNOPSIS second example.
The arguments of $code_ref are CGI object and filename.
- forbid = $code_ref
If this code_ref returns 1, CGI::MakeItStatic do nothing. See SYNOPSIS second example.
The Argument of $code_ref is CGI object.
- forbidnew = $code_ref
If this code_ref return 1, CGI::MakeItStatic don't create static file, even if renew key is true. See SYNOPSIS second example.
The Argument of $code_ref is CGI object.
- renew = $key_name
If this key name is true, recreate static file. 'renew' is used as $key_name if you don't specify.
- noprint = 1/0
If this value is true. CGI::MakeItStatic don't print static file content or hijacked STDOUT content. You can get it from $obj->output. See output and end method.
- output
$file_conent = $obj->output;
return the static file content or the hijacked STDOUT content. This method have to be used after end method.
- end
This does DESTROY. This module create static file when DESTROY is called, so you want to use 'output' mehtod, you should use this method befor it.
- has_static
If it returns true, the static file exists.
- It is like CGI::Cache
I think this module doing is neary same as CGI::Cache. But I don't consult its code. So I will change this module like CGI::Cache if it is better than this.
- mod_perl is OK?
I haven't test it.
You have heavy CGI program it is no need to update in realtime. You can slove this problem as following.
write following in crontab;
*/10 * * * * (cd /path/to/working/directory; env REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=renew=1&ym=latest ./filename > /dev/null)
mofidy your CGI;
use CGI::MakeItStatic;
my $q = new CGI;
my $check = CGI::MakeItStatic->check($q, {dir => '/path/to/data', keys => 'ym'})
or exit;
Only do it, cron create static file and your CGI get static file content and return it.
This module control STDOUT. If your CGI control STDOUT. This may conflict with your program.
Ktat, <>
Copyright 2006 by Ktat
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.