CSS::Packer - Another CSS minifier

Version 2.09
A fast pure Perl CSS minifier.
use CSS::Packer;
my $packer = CSS::Packer->init();
$packer->minify( $scalarref, $opts );
To return a scalar without changing the input simply use (e.g. example 2):
my $ret = $packer->minify( $scalarref, $opts );
For backward compatibility it is still possible to call 'minify' as a function:
CSS::Packer::minify( $scalarref, $opts );
First argument must be a scalarref of CSS-Code. Second argument must be a hashref of options. Possible options are:
- compress
Defines compression level. Possible values are 'minify' and 'pretty'. Default value is 'pretty'.
'pretty' converts
a { color: black ;} div { width:100px; }
a{ color:black; } div{ width:100px; }
'minify' converts the same rules to
- indent
Defines number of spaces, used for indentation. Used only when compress is 'pretty'. Default value is 0.
- copyright
You can add a copyright notice at the top of the script.
- remove_copyright
If there is a copyright notice in a comment it will only be removed if this option is set to a true value. Otherwise the first comment that contains the word "copyright" will be added at the top of the packed script. A copyright comment will be overwritten by a copyright notice defined with the copyright option.
- no_compress_comment
If not set to a true value it is allowed to set a CSS comment that prevents the input being packed or defines a compression level.
/* CSS::Packer _no_compress_ */ /* CSS::Packer pretty */
Merten Falk, <nevesenin at>
. Now maintained by Lee Johnson (LEEJO)
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CSS::Packer
Copyright 2008 - 2011 Merten Falk, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.