Cache::Memcached::PDeque - Implements a priority deque using memcached as storage
Version 0.03
use Cache::Memcached::PDeque;
# Create a PDeque with a priorities 1 and 2
my $dq = Cache::Memcached::PDeque->new( name => 'aName', max_prio => 2 );
# Add and remove some elements
$dq->push('a'); # ('a')
$dq->unshift('b'); # ('b','a')
$dq->push('c'); # ('b','a','c')
$dq->front; # returns 'b' without altering $dq
$dq->back; # returns 'c' without altering $dq
$dq->size; # returns 3
$dq->pop(); # returns 'c'
$dq->pop(); # returns 'a'
$dq->shift(); # returns 'b'
# Make use of priorities
$dq->push(1,'l1'); # ('l1')
$dq->push(2,'h1'); # ('h1','l1')
$dq->size; # returns 2, but:
$dq->size(1); # returns 1 - only 1 element with priority 1
$dq->shift(); # returns 'h1'
$dq->shift(); # returns 'l1'
# Complex structures are supported
my @list = ( 1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3, 'c' );
$dq->push(\@list); # Push reference to a list
my $href = $dq->pop; # Get back reference to a list
# A oneliner to copy all elements to a simple list
my @dq;
$dq->foreach( sub { my ($e, $p) = @_; push @{$p}, $e }, \@dq);
# Removes all elements
This is an implementation of a double-ended queue, with support for priorities.
A double-ended queue, abbreviated to deque, is an abstract data type that combines the functionality of a queue and a stack, allowing elements to be added to, and removed from, both the front and the back.
In addition, this implementation adds support for associating a priority with an element, making it possible to serve elements with a higher priority before elements with a lower priority.
The storage backend for this implementation is Memcached, an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects). Cache::Memecached::Fast is used to access to Memcached.
The following public methods are available.
Please note that any methods starting with an underscore '_' are considered private, are undocumented, and are subject to change without notice. Do not use private methods.
my $dq = Cache::Memcached::PDeque->new(
name => 'aName',
max_size => 0,
max_prio => 1,
prioritizer => undef,
servers => [ '' ],
Create new PDeque object.
Set the name of the dqueue; is a required argument. This will be part of the prefix used in Memcached. Is should be unique.
The maximum number of allowed elements, 0 for unlimited. Defaults to 0.
Sets the maximum priority for this dqueue. Must be a value in the range [1..10]. Defaults to 1.
A reference to a subroutine that must return a priority in the range [1..max_prio]. It is called for each element that is added by either push() or unshift(). The default is 'undef', which uses the lowest priority '1' for 'push' and the highest priority 'max_prio' for unshift.
my $dqr = Cache::Memcached::PDeque->new( name => 'aName',
max_prio => 2,
prioritizer => \&remainder );
sub remainder {
my $element = shift;
my $prio = $element % 2; # This is either 0 or 1
return $prio+1; # This is 1 or 2, a valid priority
$dqr->push(1); # ( 1 )
$dqr->push(2); # ( 1 2 )
$dqr->push(3); # ( 1 3 2 )
$dqr->shift; # returns 1
$dqr->shift; # returns 3
$dqr->shift; # returns 2
A list of Memcached servers to connect to. Defaults to ''.
Removes all elements.
Set the maximum number of elements that are allowed.
Setting max_size to '0' (the default) means no limit, and is faster then setting it to a (very) high number.
Setting the max_size lower than the current size does not remove any elements.
my $max = $dq->max_size();
Get the current maximum number of elements allowed; returns 0 for unlimited.
my $size = $dq->size;
Returns the number of elements in $dq.
my $size = $dq->size($priority);
Returns the number of elements in $dq with the given priority.
Adds $element after all elements.
$dq->push($priority, $element);
Adds $element after all elements with a higher or equal priority, and before all elements with a lower priority.
Insert $element before all elements.
$dq->unshift($priority, $element);
Inserts $element after all elements with a higher priority, and before all elements with a lower or equal priority.
my $element = $dq->pop;
Returns the last element.
my $element = $dq->pop($priority);
Returns the last element with the given priority.
my $element = $dq->shift;
Returns the first element.
my $element = $dq->shift($priority);
Returns the first element with the given priority.
my $element = $dq->front;
Returns the first element, without removing it from the PDeque.
my $element = $dq->front($priority);
Returns the first element with the given priority, without removing it from the PDeque.
my $element = $dq->front;
Returns the last element, without removing it from the PDeque.
my $element = $dq->last($priority);
Returns the last element with the given priority, without removing it from the PDeque.
sub do_square {
my ( $el, $param ) = @_;
push @{$param}, $el**2;
my @squared;
$dq->foreach(\&do_square, \@squared);
Executes a subroutine on every element. In the example, for each element in $dq, calculate the square
value and push that onto @squared.
(!) Do not attempt to modify $dq from within the do_square() subroutine. This will cause a deadlock.
Peter Haijen, <peterhaijen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cache-memcached-pdeque at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Cache::Memcached::PDeque
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This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Peter Haijen.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)