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Callerid - Perl extension for interpreting raw caller ID information (a la AT#CID=2)


  use Callerid;
  my($hex) = "8024010830...";

  # OO-style
  my($cid) = new Callerid($hex);
  print $cid->{name}; # prints callers name


  # Procedural style
  my(%cid) = Callerid::parse_raw_cid_string($hex);
  print $cid{name}; # prints callers name
  # prints phone number pretty
  print Callerid::format_phone_number($cid{number});


The Callerid module aims to provide a quick and easy method (YMMV) of decoding raw caller ID information as supplied by a modem.

This module does not talk to modems. It also does not mangle input. If you don't supply a hex string of the right format then you lose.


$cid = Callerid->new()

$cid = Callerid->new($string_of_hex)

    Returns a newly created Callerid object. If you supply it with a hex string then (assuming it's not malformed) it will populate data fields in the new Callerid object appropriately.

    Currently the (public) fields provided are: name number hour minute month day.


%info = Callerid::parse_raw_cid_string($string_of_hex)

    When called as an object method parse_raw_cid_string() will fill the objects data fields with appropriate information. When called as a class method parse_raw_cid_string() will return a hash with the same data fields.

$pretty_number = $cid->format_phone_number()

$pretty_number = Callerid::format_phone_number($number)

    When called as an object method, format_phone_number() will return the object's number field formatted pretty. When called as a class method, format_phone_number() will take a single argument and will do the same thing.

    "Formatted pretty" means 7-digit phone numbers become ###-####, 10-digit numbers become ###-###-####, 11-digit numbers become #-###-###-#### and everything else is passed through unchanged.


None by default.


 use Callerid;

 # read in a list of raw caller ID codes
 while(<>) {
        s/#.*$//; # remove comments
        s/^\s*//; # remove leading spaces
        s/\s*$//; # remove trailing spaces
        next unless $_; # skip if there's nothing left

        eval {
                $cid = new Callerid($_);

        if($@) {
                warn "error parsing $_: $@";
        } else {
                printf "%s parses to name=%s number=%s date=%02d/%02d time=%02d:%02d\n",


Device::Modem to do I/O with a modem.

Modem command set for putting modem into caller ID mode


Mike Carr, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Mike Carr

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.