Catalyst::View::Chart::Strip::Example - Example Chart Data Generation


This document contains an example Catalyst controller action which generates a valid graph using Catalyst::View::Chart::Strip. The graph itself was lifted from the examples bundled with Chart::Strip, and modified a little to fit the data structure style of Catalyst::View::Chart::Strip.

Feel free to cut and paste this into a controller to see how everything works, and as an example to work from while figuring out how to chart real data from your Model classes.

Note that the last line of this action subroutine references the local ChartStrip View-class, that you presumably setup via script/ view MyChartStrip Chart::Strip. You'll need to change that to whatever you named your View class.


sub sample_graph : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my @set;
my( $data );
for(my $t=0; $t<200; $t++){
my $v = sin( $t/40 ) ;
my $z = abs( sin( $t/8 )) / 2;
push @$data, {
time => $^T + $t * 5000,
value => $v,
min => $v - $z,
max => $v + $z,
push(@set, { data => $data, opts => { label => 'Drakh',
style => 'range',
color => '00FF00'} });
push(@set, { data => $data, opts => { style => 'line',
color => '0000FF'} });
$data = [];
for(my $t=10; $t<210; $t++){
my $v = (.07,0,0,-.15,1,0,-.3,0,0,0,.07,.07)[$t % 25] || 0;
push @$data, {
time => $^T + $t * 5000,
value => ($v + $t / 100 - 1.5),
push(@set,{ data=> $data, opts => { label => 'Scarran',
color => 'FF0000'} });
$data = [];
for(my $t=10; $t<210; $t+=15){
push @$data, {
time => $^T + $t * 5000,
value => sin( $t/30 + 1 ) - .2,
diam => abs(20*sin($t/55 - 1)) + 3,
push(@set, { data => $data, opts => { label => "G'ould",
style => 'points',
color => '0000FF'} });
$c->stash->{chart_opts}->{title} =
'Alient Experimentation on the Population of New England';
$c->stash->{chart_data} = \@set;


Catalyst, Catalyst::View, Catalyst::Helper::View::Chart::Strip, Catalyst::View::Chart::Strip, Chart::Strip, Chart::Strip::Stacked


Brandon L Black,


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.