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CharsetDetector - A Charset Detector, optimized for EastAsia charset and website content


use CharsetDetector qw(detect detect1);
#simple use it
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect($octets);
#with length limit
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect($octets,$max_len);
#don't consider html head charset as a factor to detect charset
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect1($octets);
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect1($octets,$max_len);

Basic Function

detect - detect charset

$charset = CharsetDetector::detect($octets);
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect($octets,$max_len);

detect1 - detect only by binary

detect charset don't consider html head charset as a factor to detect charset by DEFAULT, detetor will consider html header (e.g. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> ) as a factor to detect charset, if you don't want detetor to consider html header as a factor, use detect1 instead of detect

$charset = CharsetDetector::detect1($octets);
$charset = CharsetDetector::detect1($octets,$max_len);

Return Value

if $octets is null return '' if $octets is '' return 'iso-8859-1' else return charset name

Supported Charset List

return value: alias
ascii : ascii
iso-8859-1 : iso-8859-1
utf8 : utf8 utf-8-strict
utf16 : utf16
cp936 : euc-cn(gb2312) cp936(gbk) gb18030
big5-eten : big5-eten
euc-jp : euc-jp
shiftjis : shiftjis
iso-2022-jp : iso-2022-jp
euc-kr : euc-kr
iso-2022-kr : iso-2022-kr


The CharsetDetector module is Copyright (c) 2003-2006 QIAN YU. All rights reserved.

You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.