Constant::Generator - this module bring flexible (I hope) constant generator to You
version 1.013
This module has only one short `workhorse' that implement constant generation logic. This workhorse do perl-source code generation and come to you with extra power via options (logic modificators). Let me save Your time in constant generation :).
use Constant::Generator;
# eval use constant {ERR_SUCCESS => 1, ERR_PERMS => 2} and put constant names to @EXPORT_OK
Constant::Generator::gen('Sys::Errors', [qw/success perms/], {fl_exp_ok => 1, prfx => 'ERR_',});
# eval use constant {EV_SYNC => 1, EV_TIMEOUT => 2} and put EV_* constant name to @EXPORT
Constant::Generator::gen('Sys::Events', [qw/sync timeout/], {fl_exp => 1, prfx => 'EV_',});
# generate source code and save pm-file in specified path
# if You're not ready to read `on-line' source files, perltidy can help you; enjoy :)
Constant::Generator::gen('Sys::Flags', [qw/HTTP_REDIRECT SERVICE_NOT_AVAIL/], {
fl_exp => 1, # generate source with exportable constants
prfx => 'FL_', # all constants has FL_ prefix
fl_decl => 0, # don't fill Sys::Flags::CONSTS hash defined `key-value' pairs
fl_rev => 1, # set Sys::Flags::STSNOC (reversed for CONSTS) hash with `value-key' pairs
fl_no_load => 1, # don't load code
fl_no_ldr => 1, # don't set loader at @INC
fl_exp2file => 1, # export source code to pm-file
root_dir => '/mnt/remote/sshfs/hypnotoad_controller', # yep, I'm mojolicious what? :)
I think that this module is good solution to generate application constants at bootstrap time using predefined lists and rules. It provide easy way to synchronize constants over network for linked services.
- gen
gen($pkg_name, $list_array, $options_hash); This sub implement full logic. Support two call forms: 1) full form: Constant::Generator::gen('Sys::Event', [qw/alert warn/], {fl_exp => 1}); 2) all-in-options: Constant::Generator::gen({fl_exp => 1, pkg => 'Sys::Event', list => [qw/alert warn/]});
- pkg
(`package') usable only in second call form; package name for constants
- list
(`list') usable only in second call form; array of constant names
- fl_exp
(`flag EXPORT') make constants auto-exportable (fill @EXPORT, man Exporter); so use Sys::Event will export constants
- fl_exp_ok
(`flag EXPORT_OK') make constants exportable, but no autoexport (fill @EXPORT_OK, man Exporter); so use Sys::Event qw'ALERT' will export ALERT constant
- prfx
(`prefix') prepend constant names with static prefix
- sub_dcrtr
(`sub decorator') by default, generator uppercase all constant names, but you can set custom constant name decorator to evaluate constant names at runtime; this options also override prfx set:
# generate constants using `rot13-decorator` to define constant names Constant::Generator::gen('TestPkg16', [qw/const33 const34/], { fl_exp => 1, fl_decl => 1, fl_rev => 1, prfx => 'CONST_', sub_dcrtr => sub{ # `rot13-decorator' my $a = $_[0]=~tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/r; }, });
- int0
by default is 1 - value for first constant; autoincrement for next constants;
- sub
(`substitute') set function to disable default constant evaluation (int0 option) that will generate constant values, ex:
# customized constant values Constant::Generator::gen('TestPkg5', [qw/const11 const12/], { fl_exp => 1, sub => sub{($_[0]<<2)} });
- fl_decl
(`flag declaration') is set, after definition all constants and values will be available at %{__PACKAGE__::CONSTS} hash
- fl_rev
(`flag reverse declaration') same as above but reversed pair (values => keys) will be available at %{__PACKAGE__::STSNOC} hash
- fl_no_load
(`flag no loading') don't load constants, i.e. generator don't call eval for generated source code
- fl_no_ldr
(`flag no loader') don't put loader sub into @INC
- fl_no_inc_stub
(`flag no %INC stub') this options usable only if fl_no_load isn't set and fl_no_ldr is set; if flag is not set then generator set $INC{__PACKAGE__} to '' (this stub allow to load module later even without loader in @INC). Set flag to disable it (use will throw an error).
Constant::Generator::gen('TestPkg18', [qw/const37 const38/], { fl_exp => 1, fl_no_load => 0, fl_no_ldr => 1, fl_no_inc_stub => 1, # default is 0 }); # here $INC{TestPkg18} is set to '' ... use TestPkg18; # here we have two exported constants: CONST37 and CONST38
- fl_exp2file
(`flag export to file') if flag is set than constant generator will export source to pm-file
- root_dir
(`root directory') directory for generated sources; '.' by default
- sub_post_src
(`sub post source') provide custom function to accept generated source code in first argument
sub src_print{ print $_[0]; } Constant::Generator::gen('TestPkg23', [qw/const47 const48/], { ... sub_post_src => \&src_print });
Tvori Dobro
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.