

A CGI::Application and HTML::Template based helper class that provides an interface to DBIx::Tree::NestedSet methods.


The idea of this module is that you subclass it and add your own cgiapp_prerun(), denied(), and cgiapp_postrun() methods. You should probably tweak the add_child_form() and delete_node() methods too to include the metadata you want in your tree.

confirm_node_can_be_deleted() should be overridden too, it's used to "confirm" whether or not a node can be deleted without messing up your database. Returning a true value means the node is OK to delete.

See the "templates", "cgi-bin", and "graphics" directories of this distribution for an example HTML::Template, graphics (thank you to WebGUI) and an instance script.

Example Module:

use strict;
sub cgiapp_prerun{
#Controls access to this module.
my $self=shift;
if ($self->access_not_allowed()) {
} else {
sub denied{
#Content returned if a user isn't allowed to access this module
return 'Access is denied.';
sub cgiapp_postrun {
#HTML content to "wrap around" this module.
my $self = shift;
my $output_ref = shift;
my $new_output = "<html><head><title>My Tree</title></head><body>";
$new_output .= $$output_ref;
$new_output .= "</body></html>";
# Replace old output with new output
$$output_ref = $new_output;
sub confirm_node_can_be_deleted{
#You should customize this method to check for your own
#criteria as to what nodes may be deleted.
my $self=shift;
my $dbh=$self->param('dbh');
my $q=$self->query();
my $tree=$self->param('tree');
my $nodes=$tree->get_self_and_children_flat(id=>$q->param('id'));
my @ids=map{$dbh->quote($_->{id})} @$nodes;
my $id_sql=join(',',@ids);
#Check to see if we have any documents assigned to this category.
my ($count)=$dbh->selectrow_array(qq|select count(*) from doc_categories where primary_cat in($id_sql)|);
#If there's a positive count, we can't delete.
return ($count) ? 0 : 1 ;


CGI::Application, HTML::Template and DBIx::Tree::NestedSet.


Dan Collis Puro, Email: dan at geekuprising dot com.

This model was inspired by the thread below:

See "Tilly's" response in particular. I'm "Hero Zzyzzx".


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.