Device::ISDN::OCLM::ManualStatistics - OCLM manual call statistics
$status = $lanmodem->getManualStatistics ();
$info = $lanmodem->manualStatistics ();
$sp = $info->serviceProvider (1);
This class encapsulates 3com OCLM manual call statistics, including known service providers and whether or not they are currently connected.
Extract instances of this class from Device::ISDN::OCLM::LanModem.
The following methods are provided:
- $copy = $info->clone ()
This method returns a clone of this object.
- $sp = $info->serviceProvider ($index)
This method returns the name of the service provider at the specified index (1-offset) or undef. Beware of TempSvcProvider as this is not a normal service provider.
- $st = $info->callStatus ($index)
This method returns the call status of the service provider at the specified index (1-offset) or undef. Typically this will be Down or Up (1B) or something like that.
- $cm = $info->command ($index)
This method returns the command hyperlink of the service provider at the specified index (1-offset) or undef. Typically this will be CALL1.HTM or DISC1.htm or something like that.
- $str = $info->toString ()
This method returns a textual representation of this object.
Copyright 1999-2000 Merlin Hughes.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Merlin Hughes <>