Device::Modbus::RTU::Server - Perl server for Modbus RTU communications
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Device::Modbus::RTU::Server;
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
# This simple server can be tested with an Arduino with the
# program 'arduino_client.ino' in the examples directory
package My::Unit;
our @ISA = ('Device::Modbus::Unit');
sub init_unit {
my $unit = shift;
# Zone addr qty method
# ------------------- ---- --- ---------
$unit->get('holding_registers', 2, 1, 'get_addr_2');
sub get_addr_2 {
my ($unit, $server, $req, $addr, $qty) = @_;
say "Executed server routine for address 2, 1 register";
return 6;
my $server = Device::Modbus::RTU::Server->new(
port => '/dev/ttyACM0',
baudrate => 9600,
parity => 'none',
log_level => 4
my $unit = My::Unit->new(id => 3);
This module is part of Device::Modbus::RTU, a distribution which implements the Modbus RTU protocol on top of Device::Modbus.
Device::Modbus::RTU::Server inherits from Device::Modbus::Server, and adds the capability of communicating via the serial port. As such, Device::Modbus::RTU::Server implements the constructor and a logging method. Please see Device::Modbus::Server for most of the server-related documentation.
This method opens the serial port to communicate using the Modbus RTU protocol. It takes the following arguments:
- port
The serial port to open.
- log_level
A number between 0 and 4, where 0 will log only emergencies and 4 will produce sufficient output for debugging. Default is 2.
- baudrate
A valid baud rate. Defaults to 9600 bps.
- databits
An integer from 5 to 8. Defaults to 8.
- parity
Either 'even', 'odd' or 'none'. Defaults to 'none'.
- stopbits
1 or 2. Defaults to 1.
- timeout
Defaults to 10 (seconds).
This method closes the serial port, but it is called automatically for you when the server is shut down with a SIG_INT.
log, log_level
This module will log messages to STDERR. The level of logging is set with the log_level
argument to the constructor method. The logging level may be changed also with the method log_level
takes two arguments: The level of a message and the message itself:
$server->log(3, 'This is the text to log');
Most of the functionality is described in Device::Modbus::Server.
Other distributions
These are other implementations of Modbus in Perl which may be well suited for your application: Protocol::Modbus, MBclient, mbserverd.
You can find the repository of this distribution in GitHub.
Julio Fraire, <>
Copyright (C) 2015 by Julio Fraire This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.