Email::Store::Language - Add language identification to emails and lists


Remember to create the database table:

% make install
% perl -MEmail::Store="..." -e 'Email::Store->setup'

And now:

for( $mail->languages ) {
    print $_->language . "\n";


for( $list->languages ) {
    print $_->language . "\n";


This module will help you auto-identify the language of your messages and lists. There are some options you can use to help refine the process.


This is a method from Lingua::Identify that will let you limit what languages your messages should be checked against.

# limit to english and french
use Lingua::Identify qw( set_active_languages );
set_active_languages( qw( en fr ) );


This is a hashref of options that will be passed as the first argument to langof(). There is one exception: the threshold option. threshold should be a number (percentage) between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5.

$Email::Store::Language::OPTIONS = { threshold => 0.35 };

In the above example, a threshold of 0.35 means that, for mail language identification, if Lingua::Identify claims to be 35% sure that the message is a given language it will store that language. If no languages are above the threshold, then the language of most confidence will be used.

For list identification, it means that if 35% of the messages are identified as being a given language, then it will store that language. If no languages are above the threshold, then the language of most confidence will be used.


  • Email::Store

  • Lingua::Identify


  • Brian Cassidy <>


Copyright 2006 by Brian Cassidy

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.