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File::Searcher -- Searches for files and performs search/replacements on matching files


        use File::Searcher;
        my $search = File::Searcher->new('*.cgi');
            search=>'1234 Easy St.',
            replace=>'456 Hard Way',
            search=>'Portland, OR(.*?)97212',
            replace=>'Vicksburg, MI${1}49097',
        # $search->interactive; SEE File::Searcher::Interactive
        @files_matched = $search->files_matched;
        print "Files Matched\n";
        print "\t" . join("\n\t", @files_matched) . "\n";
        print "Total Files:\t" . $search->file_cnt . "\n";
        print "Directories:\t" . $search->dir_cnt . "\n";
        my @files_replaced = $search->expression('street')->files_replaced;
        my @files_replaced = $search->expression($expression)->files_replaced;
        my %matches = $search->expression('street')->matches;
        my %replacements = $search->expression('street')->replacements;


File::Searcher allows for the traversing of a directory tree for files matching a Perl regular expression. When a match is found, the statistics are stored and if the file is a text file a series of searches and replacements can be performed. File::Searcher has options that allow for backing-up / archiving files and has OO access to reporting and statistics of matches and replacements.


General Use

  # constructor - with options

  my $search = File::Searcher->new(
    file_expression=>'*.txt', # required unless files
    files=>\@files,                 # required unless file_expression
    start_directory=> '/path/to/dir',       # default './'
    backup_extension=> '~',             # default '.bak'
    do_backup=> '0',                # default 1 will create backup file
    recurse_subs=> '0',             # default 1 will recurse subs
    do_replace=> '1',               # default 0 will not replace matches
    log_mode=> '111',               # unimplemented
    archive=>'my_archive.tgz',          # default is /start_directory/(system time).tgz
    do_archive=> '1', # default 0 will not archive matched files

  # constructor - with file expression

  my $search = File::Searcher->new('*.txt');

  # constructor - with ref to array of absolute paths

  my $search = File::Searcher->new(\@files);

The constructor comes in 3 flavors; with options, with file expression, or reference to array of absolute paths. If you do not specify the options in the constructor, they can be set by accessor methods.


Next, the series of expressions are set with options. Expressions will be searched in the order which they are added to the search.

      name=>'street', # required
      search=>'1234 Easy St.',
      replace=>'456 Hard Way',


      search=>'Portland, OR(.*?)97212',
      replace=>'Vicksburg, MI${1}49097',

Expression options can be set in two ways:

   # as a single string
   ...add_expression(..., options=> 'ismx');

   # as named paramaters
   ...add_expression(..., singleline=>1, multiline=>1,case_insensitive=>1, extended=>1);

   # Run search


Expanded Functionality

For expanded FUN-ctionality set references to subroutines to process when a file match is encountered on_file_match and when a search expression is encountered on_expression_match.

   my ($file) = @_;
    return 0 unless $file->writable_r; # writable by real id?
    return 0 unless $file->stats->size_bytes < 100;
    chmod(0777, $file->path);
    return 1;
   # alternatively
   # $search->on_file_match(\&my_sub);

on_file_match receives a file object with properties methods (path, readable_e, writable_e, executable_e, readable_r, writable_r, executable_r, owned_e, owned_r, exist, exist_non_zero, zero_size, file, directory, link_, pipe_, socket_, block, character, setuid_bit, setgid_bit, sticky_bit, opened_tty, text, binary) if it is a file it also has stats methods (device_code, inode_number, mode_flags, link_cnt, user_id, group_id, device_type, size_bytes, time_access_seconds, time_modified_seconds, time_status_seconds, block_system, block_file, time_access_string, time_modified_string, time_status_string, mode_string) returns 1 to continue processing files (i.e. look for matches to expressions) returns 0 to move to next file

   $search->on_expression_match( sub{
    my ($match,$expression) = @_;
    return -100 if scalar($expression->files_replaced) > 7;
    return -10 if length($match->post) < 120;
    return 1 if $match->match =~ /special(.*?)case/;
    return 10 unless $match->contents =~ /special/;
    # this is sort of what this module does, but,hey!
    my $file_contents = $match->contents;
    eval("\$contents =~ s/$match->search/$match->replace/g$match->options;");
    return $contents;

   # alternatively
   # $search->on_expression_match(\&my_sub);

on_expression_match receives a match object with methods(match, pre, post, last, start_offset, end_offset,contents), expression object access expression options (search, replace, options, %replacements, %matches, @files_replaced)

   returns -100 to ignore expression, and do not search for it again in any file
   returns -10 to skip to next file
   returns -1 to skip to next match (possibly next file)
   returns 1 to process match (as specified in $search object)
   returns 10 to process all matches in file
   returns 100 to process all occurences in all files
   returns $content (scalar) of file contents, overwrites contents (only to file if specified) and moves to next file


To see what happened, for the search and each expression, access results.

   # search results reports

   @files_matched = $search->files_matched;
   print "Files Matched\n";
   print "\t" . join("\n\t", @files_matched) . "\n";
   print "Text Files:\t" . $search->file_text_cnt . "\n";
   print "Binary Files:\t" . $search->file_binary_cnt . "\n";
   print "Uknown Files:\t" . $search->file_unknown_cnt . "\n";
   print "Total Files:\t" . $search->file_cnt . "\n";
   print "Directories:\t" . $search->dir_cnt . "\n";
   print "Hard Links:\t" . $search->link_cnt . "\n";
   print "Sockets:\t" . $search->socket_cnt . "\n";
   print "Pipes:\t" . $search->pipe_cnt . "\n";
   print "Uknown Entries:\t" . $search->unknown_cnt . "\n";
   print "\n";

   # expression results reports

   foreach my $expression (@{$search->get_expressions}){

      my @files_replaced = $search->expression($expression)->files_replaced;
      my %matches = $search->expression($expression)->matches;
      my %replacements = $search->expression($expression)->replacements;

      print "Search/Replace:\t" .>
      $search->expression($expression)->search .
      "\t" . $search->expression($expression)->replace . "\n";

      print "\tNo Replacements Made\n" and next if @files_replaced < 1;
      print "\tFile\t\t\t\t\tMatches\tReplacements\n";

      foreach my $file (@files_replaced){
         print "\t$file\t\t$matches{$file}\t$replacements{$file}\n";
        print "\n";


Super complex regular expressions probably won't work the way you think they will.


Let me know...


  • More advanced functionality

  • More reporting (line numbers, etc.)

  • Maybe get rid of Class::Generate


File::Searcher::Interactive, File::Find, File::Copy, File::Flock, Class::Struct::FIELDS, Class::Generate, Cwd, Time::localtime, Archive::Tar


Copyright 2000, Adam Stubbs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Please email me if you find this module useful.


Adam Stubbs, Version 0.91, Last Updated Tue Sep 25 23:08:50 EDT 2001