FileHash::FormatString - Supports parsing of formatted lines of file data.


use FileHash::Formatstring;
$obj  = FileHash::FormatString->alloc;

$obj  = $obj->init  ($formatline);
$hash = $obj->parse (@lexemes);
$cnt  = $obj->fields;




This is an internal class used by FileHashes.

Format strings are used to map a positionally significant list of lexemes to a set of field names.

If the format line is empty, the format will default to a single SKIP field which will absorb an entire line of input during parse.

It was created primarily to make it easy to read assorted dumps of metadata about files that might be hanging around in one's system and which might help to define what files used to be in that directory you just deleted...

Field Names

The following are the field names which may appear in a format string.

pathQuoted		"C:/home/amon/Photo for Dale 00000.jpg"
path			C:/home/amon/Photo_for_Dale_00000.jpg
deviceQuoted		"C:"
device			C:
directoryQuoted	"/home/amon"
directory		/home/amon
fileQuoted		"Photo for Dale 00000.jpg"
file			Photo_for_Dale_00000.jpg
mode			33152
modeChars		-rw-------
modeOctal		0600
atime			1214479354
atimeQuoted		"2008-06-26 12:22"
atimeDate		2008-06-26
atimeTime		12:22
ctime			1203083422
ctimeQuoted		"2008-02-15 13:50"
ctimeDate		2008-02-15
ctimeTime		13:50
mtime			1124835415
mtimeQuoted		"2005-08-23 23:16"
mtimeDate		2005-08-23
mtimeTime		23:16
uidName		amon
uid			1000
gidName		amon
gid			1000
hardlinks		1 
sizeBytes		661340
inode			2163352
blocksAllocated	1304
blocksizePreference	4096
deviceSpecialId	0
deviceNumber		771
md5sum			2d6431f79028879f7aa2976e8222e76e
SKIP			arbitraryword

Any space delimited item which does not match one of these items exactly, down to the capitalization, is replaced with the no op field name 'SKIP'. Later, during parsing, this will cause the corresponding item in a list of lexemes to be ignored, ie dumped into the 'SKIP' bucket.

If field names are repeated in a field string, only the last instance will be meaningful. Parsed values for the earlier tokens are overwritten by later ones. This is also true of 'SKIP' tokens, including ones that are added as replacements for unknown field names.

If there is likely to be junk at the end of the line, a single SKIP at the end will absorb all of the remaing text to the end of the line.

If more than one possibility is available for a given bit of information about a file, all should have the same value, but only the 'best' will be selected. The prioritization is done thusly:

For the path name of the file

1 pathQuoted
2 Path
3 1 deviceQuoted  1 directoryQuoted  1 fileQuoted
  2 device        2 directory        2 file

The end result will be strings for device,directory and file, and the null string for any that are missing.

For atime, ctime and mtime:

1 *time
2 *timeQuoted
3 1 *timeDate  1 *timeTime

For the mode value:

1 mode
2 modeOctal
3 modeChars

If the original line contains incomplete path data, it may be supplied by the calling object pre-pending a pathQuoted or directoryQuoted. If deviceQuoted is not null on the file system and is missing, it should be included.


use FileHash::FormatString;
my $fmt  = "modeChars hardlinks uidName gidName sizeBytes mtimeDate mtimeTime file";
my $line = "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root       262 2003-08-23 15:58 20030823-ipsec1";
my $a    = FileHash::FormatString->alloc;

$a->init ($fmt);
my @lexemes = split $line,$a->fields;
$hash = $a->parse (@lexemes);

Class Variables


Instance Variables

fields		Number of lexemes required for this line format.
format		List of field names to match sequentially to lexemes.
notepad	Notepad object used to record the unexpected.

Class Methods

$obj = FileHash::FormatString->alloc

Allocate an empty FormatString object.

Instance Methods

$cnt = $obj->fields

Returns the number of format fields, including SKIP tokens, expected by this object.

$obj = $obj->init ($formatline)

Initialize a FormatString object. It has one required argument, a format line which contains field names from the list given earlier.

For example, a format line useable with a current Linux 'ls -l' output line is:

"modeChars hardlinks uidName gidName sizeBytes mtimeDate mtimeTime file"
$hash = $obj->parse (@lexemes)

Match the format field names one to one with the list of lexemes and then return a hash with the 'best data' from those fields in cases where different fields should contain the same information in different forms.

The returned hash uses field names suitable for direct insertion in a FileHash::Entry object.

Private Class Method


Private Instance Methods


Errors and Warnings





File::Spec, HTTP::Date, Fault::Notepad, Fault::Logger


Dale Amon <>

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 512:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 540:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4