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HTML::ListToTree - Convert nested HTML lists to Javascripted tree widget


        use HTML::ListToTree;
        #       convert some arbitrary HTML from STDIN to a tree
        $/ = undef;
        my $htmltree = <STDIN>;

        my $list2tree = HTML::ListToTree->new(
                Text => 'Some::Module',
                Link => '#TOP',
                Source => $htmltree);

        print $list2tree->render(
                CloseIcon => 'closedbook.gif',
                CSSPath =>'./css/dtree.css',
                IconPath => './img',
                JSPath => './js/dtree.js',
                OpenIcon => 'openbook.gif',
                RootIcon => 'globe.gif',
                Target => 'mainframe',
                Widget => 'HTML::ListToTree::DTree',
                Additions => '<small><i>Generated on July 1, 2007</i></small>'
        #       get the stuff we need for the tree
        my $js = $list2tree->getJavascript();
        my $css = $list2tree->getCss();
        my $openimg = $list2tree->getIcon('openicon.gif');
        my %images = $list2tree->getIcons();
        #       or just write it out
        die $@
                unless $list2tree->writeJavascript() &&
                        $list2tree->writeCSS() &&


Converts HTML nested lists (<ul> or <ol>) into an HTML document containing an alternate widget using a specified Widget class. By default, the Widget class is HTML::ListToTree::DTree, which generates a Javascripted tree using the dtree widget (with some minor modifications) available at


$list2tree = HTML::ListToTree->new( %args )

Convert the first instance of an HTML list (ordered or unordered) in the supplied HTML text into a structure which can be used to construct the alternate widget. Embedded links are preserved, and nested lists are recursively traversed to construct expandable tree nodes. If the first item in a nested list is another nested list, the subordinate list is "pulled up" to the outer level (in order to avoid unlabeled tree nodes).

On success, returns an HTML::ListToTree object

The method will die on any failure with an appropriate error message in $@.

%args contains the following named parameters:

Text => $text

Text label for the node

Link URL for the node. If the link starts with '#', the link will be prefixed by a parent document URL.

Children => [ @nodes ] (optional)

A list of HTML::ListToTree objects to populate the new node. Any objects extracted from a Source document are appended to this list.

Source => $document (optional)

A source document from which to extract HTML::ListToTree objects to populate the new node. Objects extracted from the document are appended to any supplied Children list.

Widget => $widget (optional)

Either the name of a Perl class, or a Perl object; default 'HTML::ListTiTree::DTree'. If a classname is provided, an instance of the class will be constructed. The class constructs a Javascript tree widget using the dtree library. The object provides methods for constructing the widget from HTML lists members. See HTML::ListToTree::DTree for methods the widget class should implement.

@nodes = $list2tree->addChildren( @nodes )

Add the specified list of either HTML::ListToTree objects, or nodes created from 2-tuples of Text => Link values, to the object's list of children. Returns the list of added nodes. E.g.,

        @nodes = $list2tree->addChildren(
                'Chapter 1' => '#chapter1',
                'Chapter 3' => '#chapter3',

@nodes = $list2tree->addFromDocument( $html )

Add a list of nodes extracted from the supplied document to the object's list of children. Returns the list of extracted nodes. Applies the object's extractTree() method to the supplied document.

@nodes = $list2tree->getChildren()

Returns the list of child nodes of the object.

$text = $list2tree->getText()

Returns the text label of the object.

$list2tree->setText( $text )

Sets the text label of the object. Returns the object.

Returns the link URL of the object.

Sets the link URL of the object. Returns the object.

$node = $list2tree->getNodeByText( $text )

Search the object's children for the first node with the specified text label. The search is breadth-first, i.e., all siblings are searched before any children are searched. Returns the matching node if a match is found, otherwise, returns undef.

Search the object's children for the first node with the specified link URL. The search is breadth-first, i.e., all siblings are searched before any children are searched. Returns the matching node if a match is found, otherwise, returns undef.

$tree = $list2tree->extractTree( $html )

Extracts a HTML::ListToTree from the first top-level list element in supplied document. This method is usually not used by applications, but can be overridden by subclasses to provide alternate extraction logic.

$widget = $list2tree->render( %args )

Render an HTML document containing the widget for the object's tree. The resulting document is suitable for use with an HTML frameset document. Subclasses may choose to override this method to provide alternate renderings of the tree. %args contains the following named parameters:


(optional) HTML text to be appended to the generated tree for display in the same frame as the navigation tree. Default none.


(optional) Name of icon file used for closed tree nodes; default 'closedbook.gif'


(optional) Path to the stylesheet file dtree.css used by dtree; default './css'


(optional) Path to the location of icons used by dtree; default './img'


(optional) Path to the Javascript file dtree.js; default '.js'


(optional) If true (the default), tree nodes are decorated with icons.


(optional) Name of icon file used for open tree nodes; default 'openbook.gif'


(optional) Name of icon file used for the root tree node; default is same as OpenIcon


(optional) Name of an HTML frame to contain the document being navigated; default 'mainframe'

$js = $list2tree->getJavascript()

Returns any Javascript library required for the widget.

$css = $list2tree->getCSS()

Returns any CSS stylesheet required for the widget.

$image = $list2tree->getIcon( $name )

Returns the binary image data for the widget icon specified by $name.

%images = $list2tree->getIcons()

Returns the binary image data for all the icons provided by the widget as a hash mapping the image name to its binary data.


This module was developed primarily to aid in beautifying the output of Pod::ProjectDocs. Therefore, the provided extractTree() implementation may not be suitable for some applications. Likewise, some applications may wish to render the tree differently, or use a different Javascript widget, in which case the provided render() implementation may not be appropriate.

Both of those situations can be remedied by simply subclassing HTML::ListToTree to override the extractTree() and/or render() methods. Refer to the source code for details on the structure of the nodes generated by extractTree() and consumed by render().

Also, the provided default dtree browser widget (provided within HTML::ListToTree::DTree) can be overridden by specifying an alternate Perl package name as the Widget constructor argument.

Widget Package Methods

The widget package must provide the following methods:



start( %args )

Starts the construction of the widget. The contents of %args depends on the widget class; for the default supports the following members:


text for root node of tree


full path to the stylesheet; default './css/dtree.css'


full path to the Javascript document; default './js/dtree.js'


if true, widget includes open/close icons; default false


icon used for root node of tree; default none

URL of root node of tree; default none


name of target frem for tree links; default 'mainframe'


icon used for closed nodes; default <IconPath>/folder.gif


icon used for open node; default <IconPath>/folderopen.gif


path to the icon image directory

Add a leaf node to the widget.

  • $node is a unique integer node id.

  • $parent is the unique node id of the parent node.

  • $text is the text label for the node.

  • $link is a URL for the content the node should cause to be presented in the target frame when the node is clicked.

Add an intermediate node to the widget. The parameters are the same as for addLeaf().


Returns the text of any Javascript library required for the widget


Returns the text of any stylesheet required for the widget

getIcon( $name )

Returns the binary image data for the specified widget icon. Widget classes are expected to provide their own icons encoded within their package (usually via MIME::Base64).


Returns the image data for all widget icons as a hash mapping icon names to binary image data. Widget classes are expected to provide their own icons encoded within their package (usually via MIME::Base64).

writeJavascript( [ $path ] )

Writes a file of the text of any Javascript library required for the widget. If $path is not specified, uses the JSPath specified for render().

getCSS( [ $path ] )

Writes a file of the text of any stylesheet required for the widget. If $path is not specified, uses the CSSPath specified for render().

writeIcon( $name [ , $path ] )

Writes a file of the binary image data for the specified widget icon. Widget classes are expected to provide their own icons encoded within their package (usually via MIME::Base64). If $path is not specified, uses the IconPath specified for render().

writeIcons( [ $path ] )

Writes files of the image data for all widget icons. Widget classes are expected to provide their own icons encoded within their package (usually via MIME::Base64). If $path is not specified, uses the IconPath specified for render().


Perl 5.8 or later.


dtree from; (a copy of the package, along with associated images and CSS, is included in the HTML::ListToTree::DTree package)


index2dtree - included script to perform conversions from the command line

HTML::Widgets::NavMenu - a similar solution, but for pure HTML (no Javscript)

CGI::Explorer - similar solution, but limited to Windows(R) Explorer look alike (no configurable icons)

Tree::Simple::View - a generalized solution for creating views of Tree::Simple implementations


Copyright (C) 2007, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved.

Excluding the dtree widget software and components included in the HTML::ListToTree::DTree package, permission is granted to use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. Refer to the Perl Artistic License for details.

The dtree widget software and components included in the HTML::ListToTree::DTree package are distributed in accordance with the following license and copyright:

        | dTree 2.05| |
        | Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Geir Landrö               |
        |                                                   |
        | This script can be used freely as long as all     |
        | copyright messages are intact.                    |
        |                                                   |
        | Updated: 17.04.2003                               |

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 422:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Landrö'. Assuming UTF-8