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HTML::Selector::Element - Search for elements in a HTML::Element DOM tree using CSS selectors


Conceptual demo code with complete isolation between this module and HTML::Element:

    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    require HTML::Selector::Element;
    # Parse the CSS rule, store it in a Html::Selector::Element object (cached)
    $sel ||= HTML::Selector::Element->new('div.nav ul.navbar');
    # Construct criteria for look_down (may reference the start element):
    my @criteria = $sel->criteria(\$element);
    # Now search
    return $element->look_down(@criteria);

But there's an easier way...

    # require the module, import the specified methods into HTML::Element
    use HTML::Selector::Element qw(find is closest);
    # search for all matching elements under $element
    my @all = $element->find('div.section + div span');
    # search for first matching element under $element
    my $first = $element->find('div.section + div span');
    # test if an element matches a CSS selector;
    if($element->is('div nav > ul.navbar')) {
        printf "Yes it is\n";
    # Search for an element relative to the element where you start from
    # Like in jQuery, but unlike querySelector/querySelectorAll in browsers:
    # This may be on the right side of $element instead of underneath:
    my $sibling = $element->find('~ label');
    # Like look_up, but using a CSS selector
    my $ancestor = $element->closest('div.container');


This module is inspired by jQuery, in Javascript.

It allows you to easily search through a subtree of a DOM of a HTML/XML document using HTML::Element, as parsed by HTML::TreeBuilder. It relies on HTML::Element's highly optimized look_down method for the actual search.


The module consists of two packages:

  • HTML::Selector::Element, to compile a CSS selector to search criteria for look_down

  • HTML::Selector::Element::Trait which contains additional object methods for the DOM elements. You can add them either by making a making a subclass, or by monkeypatching them into the package HTML::Element via import. (A "trait", or "role", is a class without data, consisting only of methods that are to be used on objects from a different class.)

If you require or use either of these two packages, both packages will be loaded.


multiple inheritance

You can do something like this:

    package My::Node;
    require HTML::Element;
    require HTML::Selector::Element;
    @ISA = qw(HTML::Selector::Element::Trait HTML::Element);

All methods that are in HTML::Selector::Element::Trait will be available to your subclass.

Note that "HTML::Selector::Element::Trait" must come before "HTML::Element" in @ISA, because it overrides find, and this is the only way that this will work.

monkeypatching: import

HTML::TreeBuilder makes using a subclass of HTML::Element very impractical, because it always uses elements of the hardcoded class HTML::Element to build its DOM tree.

In that case it is advisable to monkeypatch the wanted subs into HTML::Element.

Technically, that is nothing but just importing the desired subs into the HTML::Element package, but only after the module HTML::Element is already loaded.

So this will work, although this will cause a warning for the redefenition of the sub find:

        use HTML::Element;
        package HTML::Element;
        use HTML::Selector::Element:Trait;

But this situation is so common, that I provided a shortcut: instead, you can use the following code (optionally using parameters for Exporter):

    use HTML::Selector::Element;

This will load the module and import the default methods, although not into the current package, but into the package HTML::Element. Any parameters to this use statement (a list of methods to import, and / or the tag !DEFAULT) are passed on to import in the package HTML::Selector::Element::Trait.



This module implements the parsing of a CSS rule, and building a list of criteria, compatible with look_down and look_up.


This class method constructs the object, parsing the CSS rule(s) and storing the parsed result.

    $selector = HTML::Element::Selector->new($rule)

You can pass multiple rules as arguments. It will behave as if it got a single big rule consisting of all arguments, joined by a comma, except that each argument also has to be a valid CSS rule on its own.


This produces a list of search criteria ready to be used as arguments for look_down and look_up.

    @criteria = $sel->criteria(\$root); # containing checks that every tested element is below $root
    @absolute = $sel->criteria();       # ignores the location of the elements in the DOM

The optional argument is a reference to a scalar, which should be the start element for the search. The criteria will contain closures referencing that scalar reference, and it will be used to verify that all elements in the chain as matched by the rule, are indeed in the proper relative position to this element in the DOM.

It is OK to change the value of that scalar to point to a new root element, before ussing the criteria with look_down, but only in a single thread. For multiple threads you need separate criteria per rule, per thread.


These methods are wrapper functions around the use of HTML::Selector::Element.


This method replaces HTML::Element's own find. It searches for elements matching the CSS rule where any found matched element, as well as the entire matched element chain of which the returned element is the last one, is below the start element (or to elements on its right side or below, for that kind of CSS rule).

It's built around look_down, so it either finds an entire lists of results when used in list context, or just the first result, skipping the rest of the search when one match is found, in scalar context.

    $first = $element->find($rule);
    @all = $element->find($rule);

You may enter more than one CSS rule (string) as its parameters, in which case it'll search for elements matching any of these rules. As such, it is backward compatible with HTML::Element's original find, as a CSS rulte containing just a word is just looking for a tag; except you can no longer search for HTML::Element's pseudo-tags (starting with "~"). If you want the latter, use find_by_tagname instead.

    # find elements that either match $rule1 or $rule2
    return $element->find($rule1, $rule2);

It is intended as jQuery compatible, thus if your rule starts with a combinator + or ~, it will search below the siblings of $element on the right.

This is not supported natively in Javascript in browsers using el.querySelector('~ span') or el.querySelectorAll('~ span'). These will throw an exception.


    if($element->is($rule)) { ... }

is will test if the element matches the CSS rule, in absolute mode, i.e. the elements in the matched chain may be anywhere in the DOM, there's no restriction that they should be below a starting element, as that would not even be possible: every element except the last one in the chain will be among the "parents" or "uncles" of $element.

Though its main use is as a boolean, it actually returns the element itself if it matches (hence: true) and nothing (empty list in list contect, undef in scalar context) (hence, false) if it doesn't. In that way, it's also compatible with the results of find.


look_up matching a CSS rule. In list context, it returns a filtered list consisting of the element itself and all ancestors, in order from bottom to top, but that match the rule.

In scalar context, it returns the first (closest) element from that same list.

These methods make up of the vast majority of everthing most people will ever need. The following methods are not exported by default:


This method with the slightly awkward name is the low level equivalen if is but with criteria as its parameters. For some reason this was missing in HTML::Element.

select, query

The same as find except it will not check whether the entire matched chain lies below of the start element. Instead, the rule is matched in absolute mode, the same as with is.

Because HTML::TreeBuilder::Select defines its own sub select in the package HTML::Element, I have provided query as an alternative. That way you can load both modules while avoiding a conflict.


The following CSS selectors are recognized. Capital letters are placeholders, symbolos and lower case letters are literals. A "word" consists of word characters an hyphens, and many Unicode characters, but the rules are hard to pin down.

  • WORD

    tag name

  • .WORD

    Matches a class: the attribute "class" contains WORD (as a word: separate from the rest by whitespace).

  • #WORD

    Identifier. The attribute "id" is exactly this word.

  • [ATTR]

    The attribute ATTR exists and is not undefined.

    In HTML::Element, an attribute with value undef is considered as not existing.


    The attribute ATTR is exactly the value. VALUE is either a word, or any string between single or double quotes, except that the value may not contain the delimiter.

    Partial matches are supported, where you replace = with one of the other operarands *= (contains), ^= (starts with), $= (ends with), ~= (contains the word; see class matches), and |= (something weird: either an exact match or the attribute starts with this, followed by -; typically only used for language handling).

    There's even the non-standard !=, which means the attribute exists but is anything but this exact value.

    Modifiers to make the attribute match non-case-sensitive are not supported. (Has anybody actually ever used this feature?)

  • :not(RULE), :is(RULE)

    RULE is a nested CSS rule, matched in absolute mode. :not and :is are complementtary: one will match when the other does not, and vice versa.

  • :has(SUBRULE)

    Just like in jQuery. This does a find search below the current element (or its right siblings) and returns true if something is found.

  • :first-child, :last-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-child

  • :nth-child(INDEX), :nth-of-type(INDEX), :nth-last-child(INDEX), :nth-last-of-type(INDEX)

    INDEX is either a word even or odd, or an expression of the type An+B where A and B are integers, and variations on this form: 3, 3n+2, 5n, -2n+9, 3n-2

  • :root

  • :empty

    No text content, and no child elements. THis is determined by HTML::Element's method is_empty.

  • :WORD

    This can be handled by you if you override the sub parse_pseudo.

Pseudo-elements, as ::before and ::after, are not handled because these pseudo-elements do not exist actually, therefore they could never match.


  • The cache of the criteria for the CSS rules is inherently not thread-safe. Each thread should get its own cache.

  • When you subclass HTML::Selector::Element, primarily to override the sub parse_pseudo, the methods imported from HTML::Selector::Element::Trait are still using "HTML::Selector::Element".

    You can getaround this problem by replacing the sub parse_pseudoe instead of subclassing.


The first iteration of the CSS tule parser was derived from themodule [HTML::Selector::XPath] written by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa and maintained by Max Maischein (Corion).



Bart Lateur <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Bart Lateur.


This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.