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Image::WordCloud - Create word cloud images


my $wc = Image::WordCloud->new();
# Add the Gettysburg Address
my $text = read_file('script/gettysburg.txt');
# Create the word cloud as a GD image
my $gd = $wc->cloud();
open(my $fh, '>', 'gettysburg.png');
binmode $fh;
print $fh $gd->png();
# See examples/gettysburg.png for how the created image looks.
# script/gettysburg.pl will create it
# The calls can also be chained like so:
my $text = read_file('script/gettysburg.txt');
my $gd = Image::WordCloud->new()

Create "word cloud" images from a set of specified words, similar to http://wordle.net. Font size indicates the frequency with which a word is used.

Colors are generated randomly using Color::Scheme. Fonts can be specified or chosen randomly.


new( ... )

Accepts a number of parameters to alter the image look.

  • image_size => [$x, $y]

    Sets the size of the image in pixels, accepts an arrayref. Defaults to [400, 400].

    NOTE: Non-square images currently can look a little squirrely due to how Math::TheodorusSpiral fills a rectangle.

  • word_count => $count

    Number of words to show on the image. Defaults to 70.

  • prune_boring => <1,0>

    Prune "boring", or "stop" words. This module currently only supports English stop words (like 'the', 'a', 'and', 'but'). The full list is in Image::WordCloud::StopWords::EN

    Defaults to true.

  • font => $name

    Name of font to use. This is passed directly to GD::Text::Align so it can either be a string like 'arial', or a full path. However in order for non-path font names to work, GD needs an environment variable like FONT_PATH or FONT_TT_PATH to be set, or font_path can be used to set it manually.

  • font_path => $path_to_fonts

    Set where your font .ttf files are located. If this is not specified, the path of this module's distribution directory will be used via File::ShareDir. Currently this module comes bundled with one set of fonts.

  • background => [$r, $g, $b]

    Takes an arrayref defining the background color to use. Defaults to [40, 40, 40]

  • border_padding => <$pixels | $percent>

    Padding to leave clear around the edges of the image, either in pixels or a percent with '%' sign. Defaults to '5%'

    my $wc = Image::WordCloud->new(border_padding => 20);
    my $wc = Image::WordCloud->new(border_padding => '25%');

    Please note that this affects the speed with which this module can fit words into the image. In my tests on the text of the Declaration of Independence, bumping the percentage by 5% increments progressed like so:

    0%: 15.25s
    5%: 21.50s
    10%: 30.00s
    15%: 63.6s avg

words(\%words_to_use | \@words | @words_to_use | $words)

Takes either a hashref, arrayref, array or string.

If the argument is a hashref, keys are the words, values are their count. No further processing is done (we assume you've done it on your own).

If the argument is an array, arrayref, or string, the words are parsed to remove non-word characters and turn them lower-case.


Make the word cloud. Returns a GD::Image.

my $gd = Image::WordCloud->new()->words(qw/some words etc/)->cloud();
# Spit out the wordlcoud as a PNG
# ... or a jpeg
# Get the dimensions
# Or anything else you can do with a GD::Image object


Add new stop words onto the list. Automatically puts words in lowercase.


Return wordcloud image width


Return wordcloud image height


Brian Hann, <bhann at cpan.org>


Please report any bugs or feature requests here https://github.com/c0bra/image-wordcloud-perl/issues. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Image::WordCloud

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2012 Brian Hann.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.