LRpt::RKeysRdr - a module for reading definitions of row keys
This class is a part of LRpt
library. Object of this class provides an easy interface row keys definition files.
In this sections you will find a more or less complete listing of all methods provided by the package. Note that the package itself is not public so none of those methods are guaranteed to be maintained in future (including the package itself).
my $rkr = LRpt::RKeysRdr->new( fname => $fname,
string => $string );
Constructor. Meaning of parameters:
- fname
Name of a file containing definitions of row keys
- string
Definition of a row keys given as one string. This feature is experimantal and you better don't use it.
$rkr->initialize_keys( $fname, $string );
Called by the contructor to perform initialization. Meaning of parameters:
- $fname
Name of a file containing definitions of row keys
- $string
Definition of a row keys given as one string. This feature is experimantal and you better don't use it.
$rkr->scan_keys_from_cmd( $string );
Scans row key definition given in the command line. If nothing is given, a default row key is assumed. Key parts are separated by commas. The key will be used in all collections, for which a key in a file was not defined.
$rkr->load_keys( $rk_fname );
Loads row keys definitions from jar-record file.
$rkr->parse_rkey_str( $keys_str );
Parse a definition of one row key given in $keys_str
$key = $rkr->find_key( $name );
Find a row key to be applied to a given file.
The project is maintained on Source Forge You can find there links to some helpful documentation like tutorial.
Piotr Kaluski <>
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Piotr Kaluski. Poland. All rights reserved.
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.