Lingua::EN::AffectiveNorms - Perl based data store for the ANEW - standardised list of Affective Norms for English Words.
Version 0.01
This module provides data store and retrieval to assess the emotional content of text based on a standardised list of english words. It has use in some text mining procedures (e.g. see ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section).
DBIx::Class schema (dynamic) to load list of english affective words from
my $schema = Lingua::EN::AffectiveWords->connect; # db lives in same dir as package by default
my $all_rs = $schema->resultset(AllSubjects);
my $male_rs = $schema->resultset(Male);
my $female_rs = $schema->resultset(Female);
The list of words is a bit tricky to obtain (see link above), so this module comes with a blank database stored in the same dir as the .pm file, with the following schema:
create table all_subjects (
word varchar(32),
word_stem varchar(32),
word_no integer,
valence_mean float,
valence_sd float,
arousal_mean float,
arousal_sd float,
dominance_mean float,
dominance_sd float,
word_freq float,
primary key(word)
create table male (
word varchar(32),
word_stem varchar(32),
word_no integer,
valence_mean float,
valence_sd float,
arousal_mean float,
arousal_sd float,
dominance_mean float,
dominance_sd float,
word_freq float,
primary key(word)
create table female (
word varchar(32),
word_stem varchar(32),
word_no integer,
valence_mean float,
valence_sd float,
arousal_mean float,
arousal_sd float,
dominance_mean float,
dominance_sd float,
word_freq float,
primary key(word)
The next thing is to put the male, female and all_subjects lists into separate csv files, with the headibngs as for the column names in the database, then run the following perl script on it (also available in the examples dir of the distribution).
#!/usr/bin env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new;
use Lingua::Stem qw/stem/;
my ($infile, $table) = @ARGV or die "infile and table name required";
die "table should be AllSubjects, Male or Female" unless table ~ /^(AllSubjects|Male|Female)$/)
my $schema = Lingua::EN::AffectiveNorms::Schema->connect;
my $rs = $schema->resultset($table);
open my $IN, "<", $infile;
my @header;
while (<$IN>) {
my @row = $csv->fields;
if ($. == 1) {
@header = @row;
else {
my %data;
@data{@header} = @row;
$data{word_stem} = stem($data{word})->[0];
I'd distribute the databse with this module, except that the distribution conditions of the word list preclude this.
Kieren Diment, <zarquon at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-lingua-en-affectivenorms at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Lingua::EN::AffectiveNorms
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Inspired by the paper Dodds, P., & Danforth, C. (2009). Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-009-9150-9. avialable (open access) from:
Copyright 2009 Kieren Diment, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.