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List::Object - Ordered list of objects with array methods and iterator methods, enforces types of list members.


List::Object was inspired by several other modules: Array:: for having an object-oriented interface to perl's array functions. Class::MethodMaker for its auto-generated methods that do that same thing with its object_list functionality (hence the name of this package), as well as the fact that it enforces the declared datatype on its members. And I like the generic Iterator interface for woking with lists.

In a nutshell, List::Object has three main features:

* Object-oriented interface to perl's array methods

* Implements the Iterator interface for the list

* Enforces datatypes of list members.

  use List::Object;
  $lo = List::Object->new();


  $lo = List::Object->new(type          => 'Package::Name',
                          list          => \@array,
                          allow_undef   => 0);


  # Iterator methods

  # Perl array functions

  # Other


new( [type => '',] [list => \@array,] [allow_undef => 0])

type: The type of data that will be in thist list. Takes class names like 'Package::Name', 'Foo::Bar', ete. Also takes '$', '@', and '%'. So you can use this class to maintain lists of scalarrefs, arrayrefs, and hashrefs, respectively. An omitted type or a type of of '' (empty sting) means you are creating list of plain scalars. This is the default. You should explicity declare your list type. At any time, attempting the put and item in the list that does not match the defined type will call the object to croak.

list: Optional list of elements to initially populate the List::Object list.

allow_undef: Flag to let List::Object know if list items can be undefined. By default this is off, and all items must be defined _and_ of the correct type. By turning it on, List::Object overlooks undefined items when enforcing it type requirement.

Returns a new List::Object object;


Return the next item in the list as you are iterating through the list. Will croak if there is no next item. Use has_next() to find out ahead of time. Calling next() repeatedly will return a different item each time.


Return true or false, based whether or not there are more items in a list being iterated over.


Returns the next item on a list, but doesn't move you through the list. Will croak if there is no next time. Use has_next() to find out ahead of time. Calling peek() repeatedly will return the same item.


Resets the iterator back to the beginning of the list.


Returns an item from the list at the specified (zero-based) index.

set($index, $item)

Replaces slot at $index with $item, based on a zero-based index. Does _not_ add to list or expand the list count. $index must be with the range of existing members. If not, it will croak.


Adds $item as a new member at the end of the list.


Removes item at $index from the list. This automatically rewinds the iterator.


Returns the first item on the list.


Returns the last item on the list;

NOTE -- All 'array' type functions also rewind the index. Later versions will be smarter.

Like perl's shift function, removes the first item from the list and returns it.


Like perl's push function, add the list of items to the end of the list;


Like perl's pop function, removes the last item from the list and returns it.


Like perl's unshift function, add the list of items to the beginning of the list;


List perl's join function, joins the array into a string and returns it. However, this only works on lists of scalars or scalar refs. For other ref types carps and returns an empty string.


Returns an (de-referenced) array of the members of the list.


Like perl's sort function, sorts the list in the same generic way the perl's sort method does. This method when working with lists of scalars or scalarrefs. For other ref types, it carps and does nothing.

splice($offset, $length, @list)

Like perls's splice function,


Sorts the list. If the list type is '@', the $key must be a index to each arrayref members array. If the list type is '%', the $key must be a valid key to each hashref. If the list type if a Package::Name, the $key must be a method of the class. For list of scalars or scalarrefs, it will ignore the passed in the $key and fall back to a regular sort() method call.


    $lo = List::Object->new(type => '@' , list => \@list)
    # list of array refs have been sorted by the second element
    # in their list;


    $lo = List::Object->(type => '%', list => \@list);
    # list has been sorted by the value of the
    # $person->{last_name} key of each hashref in the list;

    $lo = List::Object->(type => 'Person', list \@list);
    # list has been sorted by the return value of the
    # last_name() method of each Person object in the list;

Return true or false, base on whether or note the List::Object will permitted undefined items to be members of the list, as defined by the 'type' parameter when the List::Object was instantiated. See new().


Return the type of data permitted in the list, as defined by the 'type' parameter when the List::Object was instantiated. See new().


Returns the current number of members in the list.


Empties list list.


It is possible to turn off the strict checking of list member's datatype. You can do this by setting looose to 1. This works on a per-object basis. You can turn it off across all instances of the List::Object class by setting $List::Object::Loose to true; Don't fiddle with this. Either turn it on or off. I haven't done benchmarking, but I imagine you will a small performnace benefit by turning if off. It may be useful to have it _off_ while in development, but turn it _on_ when in production.


None by default.


Rewinding more context aware

For now, calling any of the array-type methods (as opposed to the iterator-type) will automatically 'rewind' the iterator


No known bugs on initial release. Please send reports to author.



Steven Hilton, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Steven Hilton

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.