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Mojo::Promise::Role::Repeat - Promise looping construct with break


version 0.006


  # stupidly complicated while loop
  Mojo::Promise->with_roles('+Repeat')->repeat( 5, sub {
      my $n = shift;
      $_->('yay') unless $n > 0;
      print "($n)";
      return $n-1;
  })->then( sub { print @_; } )->wait
  # (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)yay

  # web treasure hunt pattern
  my @clues;
  ->repeat( sub {
     my $res = shift->result;
     die $res->message if $res->is_error;
     push @clues, $res->dom->at('#found_clue')->all_text;
       unless my $next_url = $res->dom->at('a#go_here_next')->{href};
  })->then( sub {
     # do stuff with @clues
   },sub {
     # error handling


Mojo::Promise::Role::Repeat, a role intended for Mojo::Promise objects, provides a looping construct for control flows involving promises and a "break" function that can escape through arbitrarily many levels of nested loops.


In all of the following, $class is a Mojo::Promise class with this role applied, $promise is an instance object of such a class, and $coderef is a code reference similar to what you feed to then or catch.

Mojo::Promise::Role::Repeat supplies the following methods to its host object/class:


  $done_p = $class  ->repeat(@initial, $coderef);
  $done_p = $promise->repeat(@initial, $coderef);

The first form is equivalent to

  $done_p = $class->resolve(@initial)
                  ->then($coderef)->then($coderef)->then($coderef) # ... forever

The second form is equivalent to

  $done_p = $promise->then( sub { (@initial, @_) } )
                    ->then($coderef)->then($coderef)->then($coderef) # ... forever

In both cases, the value returned is effectively the promise generated by the "last" then call, the effect being to invoke the handler ($coderef) repeatedly for as often as it keeps returning normally, each time passing the values returned from the previous iteration, and with $_ bound to a "break" function that, when called, does not return but instead exits the handler, abandons the loop, and resolves that final promise ($done_p) with the value(s) provided.

If the "break" function is invoked with a promise passed as its first argument, the handler and loop are likewise abandoned, and the final promise awaits resolution/rejection of the passed promise.

If any iteration of the handler dies or returns a returns a promise that is rejected, the final promise is likewise rejected.

Note that the "break" function ($_) can be used to break out of nested handlers, but since $_ is dynamically bound and is likely to have changed by the time a nested handler runs, it is highly recommended that you use a lexical variable to capture this function for use in nested handlers,, e.g.,

    $promise->repeat( sub {
        my $break = $_;
        $ua->get_p(...)->then( sub {
            $break->(@result) if (condition...);
        })->then( sub {

Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning.


  $done_p = $class  ->repeat_catch(@initial, $coderef);
  $done_p = $promise->repeat_catch(@initial, $coderef);

The first form is equivalent to

  $done_p = $class->reject(@initial)
                  ->catch($coderef)->catch($coderef)->catch($coderef) # ... forever

The second form is equivalent to

  $done_p = $promise->catch( sub { "die"(@initial, @_) } )
                    ->catch($coderef)->catch($coderef)->catch($coderef) # ... forever

where "die" is the imaginary version of die that takes multiple values and throws them as a list rather than concatenating them.

In both cases, the value returned is effectively the promise generated by the "last" catch call, the effect being to invoke the handler ($coderef) repeatedly for as often as it keeps failing, each time passing the (error) values thrown from the previous iteration, and with $_ bound to a "break" function that, when called, does not return but instead exits the handler, abandons the loop, and rejects that final promise ($done_p) with the value(s) provided.

If the "break" function $_ is invoked with a promise passed as its first argument, the loop is likewise abandoned and the final promise awaits resolution/rejection of the passed promise.

If any iteration of the handler returns normally or returns a returns a promise that is resolved, the final promise is likewise resolved with the same value(s).

Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning.


Mojo::Promise, Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides,


Roger Crew <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Roger Crew.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)