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Net::Async::WebSocket::JSON::Client - connect to a WebSocket server using JSON and IO::Async


 use IO::Async::Loop;
 use Net::Async::WebSocket::JSON::Client;
 use Data::Dump;

 my $client = Net::Async::WebSocket::JSON::Client->new(
    on_json => sub {
       my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
       print Data::Dump::pp( $data );

 my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
 $loop->add( $client );

    url => "ws://$HOST:$PORT/",
 )->then( sub {
    $client->send_json( { message => "Hello, world!\n" } );



This subclass of Net::Async::WebSocket::Client provides conveniences for using JSON-encoded data sent over text frames.

It should be used identically to Net::Async::WebSocket::Client, except that it has the new send_json method and on_json event defined by Net::Async::WebSocket::JSON::Protocol.


Paul Evans <>