

Quickly and easily create abstract classes, which can easily be tested for via 'isa' or OOP::Perlish::Class::Accessor->implements( [ 'ClassA', 'ClassB' ] ); ('implements' is a polymorphism test, not an inheritance test, and is generally preferred)


Defining an abstract class
my_interface => 'required',
my_optional_interface => 'optional',
my_optional_but_true => 'optional_true',
Later in an implementation class:
sub my_interface
my ($self) = @_;
return 'foo';
Meanwhile, in a consuming class
foo => {
type => 'OBJECT',
implements => [ 'MyAbstractClass' ],
sub quux
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->foo()->my_interface();
And finally, when used:
my $foo = MyImplementationClass->new();
my $bar = MyConsumerClass->new( foo => $foo );
print $bar->quux() . $/;


The module provides handlers for 'required', 'optional', and 'optional_true' types of interface definitions via the following built-in method factories:

## Return a subroutine for the required interfaces
sub ____oop_perlish_class_interface_impl_required
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
return sub { confess("Interface $name is required, but was not defined in $class (nor in the ancestory of $class)"); };
## Return a subroutine for the optional (false) interfaces
sub ____oop_perlish_class_interface_impl_optional
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
return sub { return; };
## Return a subroutine for optional_true interfaces
sub ____oop_perlish_class_interface_impl_optional_true
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
return sub { return 1; };

if you wish to add additional handlers for an abstract class; simply define a method with the type prefixed with ____oop_perlish_class_interface_impl_ e.g.:

sub ____oop_perlish_class_interface_impl_my_type
return sub { return 'default sub for my_type'; };

Which would allow you to specify in the _interfaces() call

my_interface => 'my_type',

This is mostly useful for specifying default interfaces that are expected to return references to (possibly empty) hashes or arrays.


invokes confess() whenever a method is called that was 'required' but never defined.
invokes confess() whenever a type is specified in __PACKAGE__->_interfaces() that does not have a handler defined.
invokes confess() whenever an object is instantiated via new and is missing a required interface definition;