PIX::Object::icmp_type - Class for "icmp-type" object-groups found in a PIX config.


This is a subclass of PIX::Object that maintains a single object-group as read from a firewall config. You can list and search for elements in the list.




add($icmp_or_grp, [$is_icmp])

    Add an icmp-type or nested group to the object-group. If $is_group is true then $icmp_or_grp will be recorded as a nested hostgroup name, and not an icmp type name. Note: This logic is slightly different than the other PIX::Object sub-classes.

enumerate( )

    Returns a list of icmp types that the object-group encompasses.

icmp_alias( )

    Returns the ICMP Type code that matches the alias given, or the unmodified alias if no known alias matches. See $PIX::Object::icmp_type::ICMP_TYPES for a list of avaliable aliases that cisco defines.

list( )

    Returns a list of icmp types from the object group. A plain list of icmp types are returned.

matchicmp( )

    Alias for matchport().

matchport( )

    Searches the icmp types within our group for the TYPE given. Deligates out to nested groups and maintains the state of the trace.

    Returns the name of the of the object-group that matches the TYPE (which evaluates to true). This is usually called from the PIX::Accesslist::Line object instead of directly.


Jason Morriss <lifo 101 at - gmail dot com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-pix-walker at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


perldoc PIX::Walker

perldoc PIX::Accesslist
perldoc PIX::Accesslist::Line

perldoc PIX::Object
perldoc PIX::Object::network
perldoc PIX::Object::service
perldoc PIX::Object::protocol
perldoc PIX::Object::icmp_type


Copyright 2006-2008 Jason Morriss, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 224:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'