Paws::CloudHSMv2::DescribeBackups - Arguments for method DescribeBackups on Paws::CloudHSMv2


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method DescribeBackups on the AWS CloudHSM V2 service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method DescribeBackups.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to DescribeBackups.


my $cloudhsmv2 = Paws->service('CloudHSMv2');
my $DescribeBackupsResponse = $cloudhsmv2->DescribeBackups(
Filters => { 'MyField' => [ 'MyString', ... ], }, # OPTIONAL
MaxResults => 1, # OPTIONAL
NextToken => 'MyNextToken', # OPTIONAL
SortAscending => 1, # OPTIONAL
# Results:
my $Backups = $DescribeBackupsResponse->Backups;
my $NextToken = $DescribeBackupsResponse->NextToken;
# Returns a L<Paws::CloudHSMv2::DescribeBackupsResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


Filters => Paws::CloudHSMv2::Filters

One or more filters to limit the items returned in the response.

Use the backupIds filter to return only the specified backups. Specify backups by their backup identifier (ID).

Use the sourceBackupIds filter to return only the backups created from a source backup. The sourceBackupID of a source backup is returned by the CopyBackupToRegion operation.

Use the clusterIds filter to return only the backups for the specified clusters. Specify clusters by their cluster identifier (ID).

Use the states filter to return only backups that match the specified state.

Use the neverExpires filter to return backups filtered by the value in the neverExpires parameter. True returns all backups exempt from the backup retention policy. False returns all backups with a backup retention policy defined at the cluster.

MaxResults => Int

The maximum number of backups to return in the response. When there are more backups than the number you specify, the response contains a NextToken value.

NextToken => Str

The NextToken value that you received in the previous response. Use this value to get more backups.

SortAscending => Bool

Designates whether or not to sort the return backups by ascending chronological order of generation.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method DescribeBackups in Paws::CloudHSMv2


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