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This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::CloudSearch::OptionStatus object:

$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { CreationDate => $value, ..., UpdateVersion => $value });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::CloudSearch::OptionStatus object:

$result = $service_obj->Method(...);


The status of domain configuration option.


REQUIRED CreationDate => Str

A timestamp for when this option was created.

PendingDeletion => Bool

Indicates that the option will be deleted once processing is complete.

REQUIRED State => Str

The state of processing a change to an option. Possible values:

  • RequiresIndexDocuments: the option's latest value will not be deployed until IndexDocuments has been called and indexing is complete.

  • Processing: the option's latest value is in the process of being activated.

  • Active: the option's latest value is completely deployed.

  • FailedToValidate: the option value is not compatible with the domain's data and cannot be used to index the data. You must either modify the option value or update or remove the incompatible documents.

REQUIRED UpdateDate => Str

A timestamp for when this option was last updated.

UpdateVersion => Int

A unique integer that indicates when this option was last updated.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::CloudSearch


The source code is located here: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl

Please report bugs to: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues