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Paws::DirectConnect::AllocateHostedConnection - Arguments for method AllocateHostedConnection on Paws::DirectConnect


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method AllocateHostedConnection on the AWS Direct Connect service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method AllocateHostedConnection.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to AllocateHostedConnection.


my $directconnect = Paws->service('DirectConnect');
my $Connection = $directconnect->AllocateHostedConnection(
Bandwidth => 'MyBandwidth',
ConnectionId => 'MyConnectionId',
ConnectionName => 'MyConnectionName',
OwnerAccount => 'MyOwnerAccount',
Vlan => 1,
Tags => [
Key => 'MyTagKey', # min: 1, max: 128
Value => 'MyTagValue', # max: 256; OPTIONAL
# Results:
my $AwsDevice = $Connection->AwsDevice;
my $AwsDeviceV2 = $Connection->AwsDeviceV2;
my $Bandwidth = $Connection->Bandwidth;
my $ConnectionId = $Connection->ConnectionId;
my $ConnectionName = $Connection->ConnectionName;
my $ConnectionState = $Connection->ConnectionState;
my $EncryptionMode = $Connection->EncryptionMode;
my $HasLogicalRedundancy = $Connection->HasLogicalRedundancy;
my $JumboFrameCapable = $Connection->JumboFrameCapable;
my $LagId = $Connection->LagId;
my $LoaIssueTime = $Connection->LoaIssueTime;
my $Location = $Connection->Location;
my $MacSecCapable = $Connection->MacSecCapable;
my $MacSecKeys = $Connection->MacSecKeys;
my $OwnerAccount = $Connection->OwnerAccount;
my $PartnerName = $Connection->PartnerName;
my $PortEncryptionStatus = $Connection->PortEncryptionStatus;
my $ProviderName = $Connection->ProviderName;
my $Region = $Connection->Region;
my $Tags = $Connection->Tags;
my $Vlan = $Connection->Vlan;
# Returns a L<Paws::DirectConnect::Connection> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED Bandwidth => Str

The bandwidth of the connection. The possible values are 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 400Mbps, 500Mbps, 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps, and 10Gbps. Note that only those AWS Direct Connect Partners who have met specific requirements are allowed to create a 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps or 10Gbps hosted connection.

REQUIRED ConnectionId => Str

The ID of the interconnect or LAG.

REQUIRED ConnectionName => Str

The name of the hosted connection.

REQUIRED OwnerAccount => Str

The ID of the AWS account ID of the customer for the connection.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::DirectConnect::Tag]

The tags associated with the connection.

REQUIRED Vlan => Int

The dedicated VLAN provisioned to the hosted connection.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method AllocateHostedConnection in Paws::DirectConnect


The source code is located here:

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