

This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::FSX::DataRepositoryTask object:

$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { CreationTime => $value, ..., Type => $value });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::FSX::DataRepositoryTask object:

$result = $service_obj->Method(...);


A description of the data repository task. You use data repository tasks to perform bulk transfer operations between your Amazon FSx file system and its linked data repository.


REQUIRED CreationTime => Str

EndTime => Str

The time that Amazon FSx completed processing the task, populated after the task is complete.

FailureDetails => Paws::FSX::DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails

Failure message describing why the task failed, it is populated only when Lifecycle is set to FAILED.

REQUIRED FileSystemId => Str

REQUIRED Lifecycle => Str

The lifecycle status of the data repository task, as follows:

  • PENDING - Amazon FSx has not started the task.

  • EXECUTING - Amazon FSx is processing the task.

  • FAILED - Amazon FSx was not able to complete the task. For example, there may be files the task failed to process. The DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails property provides more information about task failures.

  • SUCCEEDED - FSx completed the task successfully.

  • CANCELED - Amazon FSx canceled the task and it did not complete.

  • CANCELING - FSx is in process of canceling the task.

You cannot delete an FSx for Lustre file system if there are data repository tasks for the file system in the PENDING or EXECUTING states. Please retry when the data repository task is finished (with a status of CANCELED, SUCCEEDED, or FAILED). You can use the DescribeDataRepositoryTask action to monitor the task status. Contact the FSx team if you need to delete your file system immediately.

Paths => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

An array of paths on the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system that specify the data for the data repository task to process. For example, in an EXPORT_TO_REPOSITORY task, the paths specify which data to export to the linked data repository.

(Default) If Paths is not specified, Amazon FSx uses the file system root directory.

Report => Paws::FSX::CompletionReport

ResourceARN => Str

StartTime => Str

The time that Amazon FSx began processing the task.

Status => Paws::FSX::DataRepositoryTaskStatus

Provides the status of the number of files that the task has processed successfully and failed to process.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::FSX::Tag]

REQUIRED TaskId => Str

The system-generated, unique 17-digit ID of the data repository task.

REQUIRED Type => Str

The type of data repository task; EXPORT_TO_REPOSITORY is the only type currently supported.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::FSX


The source code is located here:

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