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BotId => Str

The bot identifier specified in the request.

BotStatus => Str

When you send a request to create or update a bot, Amazon Lex sets the status response element to Creating. After Amazon Lex builds the bot, it sets status to Available. If Amazon Lex can't build the bot, it sets status to Failed.

Valid values are: "Creating", "Available", "Inactive", "Deleting", "Failed", "Versioning", "Importing" =head2 BotVersion => Str

The version number assigned to the version.

BotVersionLocaleSpecification => Paws::LexModelsV2::BotVersionLocaleSpecification

The source versions used for each locale in the new version.

CreationDateTime => Str

A timestamp of the date and time that the version was created.

Description => Str

The description of the version specified in the request.

_request_id => Str