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Puppet::Orchestrator - Connects to the Puppet Orchestrator API (i.e. Puppet Tasks)


version 0.002


This module interacts with the Puppet Orchestrator API (i.e. Puppet Tasks)

    use Puppet::DB;
    use Puppet::Orchestrator;
    use Puppet::Classify;

    # Create a Puppet DB object
    my $puppet_db = Puppet::DB->new(
        server_name => $config->{puppetdb_host},
        server_port => $config->{puppetdb_port},

    # Create a Puppet classification object
    my $classify = Puppet::Classify->new(
                      cert_name       => $config->{puppet_classify_cert},
                      server_name     => $config->{puppet_classify_host},
                      server_port     => $config->{puppet_classify_port},
                      puppet_ssl_path => $config->{puppet_ssl_path},
                      puppet_db       => $puppet_db,

    # Create a Puppet orchestrator object
    my $orchestrator = Puppet::Orchestrator->new( 
                                          cert_name       => $config->{puppet_orch_cert},
                                          server_name     => $config->{puppet_orch_host},
                                          server_port     => $config->{puppet_orch_port},
                                          puppet_ssl_path => $config->{puppet_ssl_path},
                                          puppet_db       => $puppet_db,

    $group = "All Nodes";
    my $nodes = $classify->get_nodes_matching_group( $group );
    my $jobid = $orchestrator->submit_task( "profile::check_id", { "id" => "836" }, $nodes );


It requires the Puppet::DB module. The Puppet::Classify is recommended as it allows looking up group membership.


The puppet master that is running the Orchestrator API. Connects to localhost by default.



Connect to the Puppet Orchestrator server on port 8143 by default - this can be overidden when consumed.



Use an access_token instead of a certificate to connect to the API. This loads the authentication token saved in your home, but it can be set manually if it is not stored there.

    say $orchestrator->access_token;


The environment to look in for the task to be run - this can be overidden when consumed. Defaults to 'production'.



the basename of the certificate to be used for authentication. This is a certificate that has been generated on the Puppet Master and added to the whitelist. This can be used instead of using an auth token.



Set the path to the Puppet SSL certs, it uses the Puppet enterprise path by default.



The connection timeout. Defaults to 360 seconds.



The puppet DB object used to interact with the Puppet DB.



A list of nodes to perform the task on

    my $nodes = [ qw( node1 node2 ) ];


The job ID number

    say $orchestrator->job_id;


This method sleeps until the job is finished or the timeout in seconds is reached. The timeout is optional, if not specified, it will sleep indefinately.

    $orchestrator->wait_for_job( $jobid, $timeout );


Submit a new task

    my $task_name = "package",
    my $params = {
                   action => "install",
                   name   => "httpd",
    my $nodes = [ qw( node1 node2 ) ];
    my $jobid = $orchestrator->submit_task( $task_name, $params, $nodes );

    my $timeout = 20;
    $orchestrator->wait_for_job( $jobid, $timeout );


Simply returns true or false based on whether the job is finished

    say "Done" if $is_job_finished->job_id;

This will print the job output as it becomes available and wait until the job is finished.



Matthew Mallard <>


This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Matthew Mallard.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.