A module to store R attributes for an object
use R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes;
my $rattr = R::YapRI::Rattributes->new();
$rattr->set_names(["X", "Y"]);
my @names = @{$rattr->get_names()};
my @dim = @{$attr->get_dim()};
$rattr->set_dimnames([["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]);
my @dimnames_arefs = @{$rattr->set_dimnames()};
$rattr->set_rownames(["x", "y", "z"]);
my @rownames_arefs = @{$rattr->set_rownames()};
my $class = $attr->get_class();
$rattr->set_tsp($start, $end, $frequency);
my ($start, $end, $frequency) = $attr->get_tsp();
Create a R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes object, used by R::YapRI::Robject to define the attributes for an Robject.
There are 5 basic attributes for R objects (names, dim, dimnames, class and tsp) (for more info
It also has an special case, row.names for data.frames.
Aureliano Bombarely <>
The following class methods are implemented:
It has a simple constructor using new() function.
Any of the accessors can be used as function arguments to set the accessor value during the object creation.
constructor new
Usage: my $rattr = R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes->new($acc_href);
Desc: Create a new R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes object.
Ret: a R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes object
Args: $acc_href, an accessor hash ref. with the following key/value pairs:
names => arrayref. of strings (generally used with vectors and lists)
dim => arrayref. of positive integers.
dimnames => arrayref. of arrayref. of strings.
rownames => arrayref. of rownames (generally used with data.frames)
class => an scalar defining the class
tsp => an arrayref. with three members: start, end and frequency.
Side_Effects: Die if the accessor hashref. is not a hash ref. or it is
has a different accessor than names, dim, dimnames, class or
Example: my $rattr = R::YapRI::Robject::Rattributes->new($acc_href);
There are a couple of functions (get/set) for accessors
Usage: my $names_aref = $rattr->get_names();
Desc: Get/Set the names attributes to Rattributes object
Ret: Get: $names_aref, an array ref. with names attribute
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $names_aref, an array ref. with names attribute
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if the argument supplied is not an array ref.
Example: my @names = @{$rattr->get_names()};
Usage: my $dim_aref = $rattr->get_dim();
Desc: Get/Set the dim (dimension) attribute to Rattributes object
Ret: Get: $dim_aref, an array ref. with dim (integers) attribute
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $dim_aref, an array ref. with dim (integers) attribute
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if the argument supplied is not an array ref.
Die if the elements of the array ref. are not integers.
Example: my @dim = @{$rattr->get_dim()};
Usage: my $dimnames_arefaref = $rattr->get_dimnames();
Desc: Get/Set the dimnames attribute to Rattributes object.
Ret: Get: $dimnames_arefaref, an array ref. of array references
with dimnames attributes
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $dimnames_arefaref, an array ref. of array references
with dimnames attribute
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if the argument supplied is not an array ref.
Die if the elements of the array ref. are not array refs.
Example: my @dimnames_aref = @{$rattr->get_dimnames()};
$rattr->set_dimnames([ ['A', 'B'], ['x', 'y'] ]);
Usage: my $rownames_aref = $rattr->get_rownames();
Desc: Get/Set the row.names attributes to Rattributes object
Ret: Get: $rownames_aref, an array ref. with row.names attribute
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $rownames_aref, an array ref. with row.names attribute
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if the argument supplied is not an array ref.
Example: my @rownames = @{$rattr->get_rownames()};
Usage: my $class = $rattr->get_class();
Desc: Get/Set the class attribute to Rattributes object
Ret: Get: $class, a class attribute for an R object
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $class, a class attribute for an R object
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if no arguments is supplied to this function
Example: my $class = @{$rattr->get_class()};
Usage: my $tsp_aref = $rattr->get_tsp();
Desc: Get/Set the tsp (time series) attribute to Rattributes object
Ret: Get: $tsp_aref, a tsp array ref. attribute for an R object with three
elements: $start, $end, $frequency.
Set: None
Args: Get: None
Set: $tsp_aref, a tsp array ref. attribute for an R object with three
elements: $start, $end, $frequency.
Side_Effects: Get: None
Set: Die if no arguments is supplied to this function.
Die if the argument provided is not an array ref.
If the array ref. supplied has more than three elements,
that array will be modify and the elements beyond 3 will
be deleted (last index of the array will be set to 2)
Example: my ($start, $end, $frequency) = @{$rattr->get_tsp()};
$rattr->set_class([$start, $end, $frequency]);
Lukas Mueller
Robert Buels
Naama Menda
Jonathan "Duke" Leto
Copyright 2011 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
Copyright 2011 Sol Genomics Network (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.