SNMP::Simple - shortcuts for when using SNMP


use SNMP::Simple;

$name     = $s->get('sysName');       # same as sysName.0
$location = $s->get('sysLocation');

@array    = $s->get_list('hrPrinterStatus');
$arrayref = $s->get_list('hrPrinterStatus');

@list_of_lists = $s->get_table(

@list_of_hashes = $s->get_named_table(
    name   => 'prtInputDescription',
    media  => 'prtInputMediaName',
    status => 'prtInputStatus',
    level  => 'prtInputCurrentLevel',
    max    => 'prtInputMaxCapacity',


This module provides shortcuts when performing repetitive information-retrieval tasks with SNMP.

Instead of this:

use SNMP;
$vars = new SNMP::VarList( ['prtConsoleOnTime'], ['prtConsoleColor'],
    ['prtConsoleDescription'], );
my ( $light_status, $light_color, $light_desc ) = $s->getnext($vars);
die $s->{ErrorStr} if $s->{ErrorStr};
while ( !$s->{ErrorStr} and $$vars[0]->tag eq "prtConsoleOnTime" ) {
    push @{ $data{lights} },
        status => ( $light_status ? 0 : 1 ),
        color       => SNMP::mapEnum( $$vars[1]->tag, $light_color ),
        description => $light_desc,
    ( $light_status, $light_color, $light_desc ) = $s->getnext($vars);
} can do this:

use SNMP::Simple;
$data{lights} = $s->get_named_table(
    status => 'prtConsoleOnTime',
    color  => 'prtConsoleColor',
    name   => 'prtConsoleDescription',

SNMP Beginners, read me first!

Please, please, please do not use this module as a starting point for working with SNMP and Perl. Look elsewhere for starting resources:

SNMP Advanced and Intermediate users, read me first!

I'll admit this is a complete slaughtering of SNMP, but my goals were precise. If you think SNMP::Simple could be refined in any way, feel free to send me suggestions/fixes/patches.


new( @args )

Creates a new SNMP::Simple object. Arguments given are passed directly to SNMP::Session->new. See "SNMP::Session" in SNMP for details.


use SNMP::Simple

my $s = SNMP::Simple->new(
    DestHost  => '',
    Community => 'public',
    Version   => 1,
) or die "couldn't create session";


get( $oid )

Gets the named variable and returns its value. If no value is returned, get() will try to retrieve a list named $name and return its first vlaue. Thus, for convenience,


..should be the same as:


Numbered OIDs are fine, too, with or without a leading dot:


SNMP::mapEnum() is automatically used on the result.

get_list( $oid )

Returns leaves of the given OID.

If called in array context, returns an array. If called in scalar context, returns an array reference.

get_table( @oids )

Given a list of OIDs, this will return a list of lists of all of the values of the table.

For example, to get a list of all known network interfaces on a machine and their status:

$s->get_table('ifDescr', 'ifOperStatus')

Would return something like the following:

[ 'lo',   'up'   ], 
[ 'eth0', 'down' ], 
[ 'eth1', 'up'   ],
[ 'sit0', 'down' ]

If called in array context, returns an array (of arrays). If called in scalar context, returns an array reference.

get_named_table( %oids_by_alias )

Like "get_table", but lets you rename ugly OID names on the fly. To get a list of all known network interfaces on a machine and their status:

$s->get_table( name => 'ifDescr', status => 'ifOperStatus' )

Would return something like the following:

    status => 'up',
    name   => 'lo'
    status => 'down',
    name   => 'eth0'
    status => 'up',
    name   => 'eth1'
    status => 'down',
    name   => 'sit0'

If called in array context, returns an array (of hashes). If called in scalar context, returns an array reference.


A sample script examples/ is included with this distribution.




Ian Langworth, <>


  • There are no real tests.

  • I haven't tested this with v3.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2005 Ian Langworth, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.