SQL::Bibliosoph::Sims - A SQL::Bibliosoph Tester library
my $bs = SQL::Bibliosoph::Sims();
my $array_of_hashes = $bs ->h_ANYQUERY();
my $hash = $bs ->rowh_ANYQUERY();
my $array_of_arrays = $bs ->ANYQUERY();
This is a simple class to replace SQL::Bibliosoph in unit test. This generate random data and does not need a catalog file. (Methods are handled on request with AUTOLOAD). The returned value is in concordance with the requested resulset( e.g.: If you ask for that hash ( with the prefix rowh_) you will get a hashref).
Will generate random date when you call any subrotine on it. This module is inspired on Test::Sims.
Constructor parameters
This controls how many rows will be returned in the resultset. Defaults to 10.
You can costumize the return of some particular query by using preset, like this:
my $bs = SQL::Bibliosoph::Sims(
presets => {
rowh_user => '{ name => "juan", age => "42" }' ,
rowh_costumer => '{
name => "rand_words( size=>10 )" ,
age => "rand_chars( size=>2 )" ,
Values in the array will be evaluated. You can use rand_ functions from Data::Random to generate your values .. presets queries have preference over presets_catalog quieres. |
You can also define catalog for tests. In this case, the queries not defined in the catalog will be random generated. The defined , will be evaluated:
my $bs = SQL::Bibliosoph::Sims->new(
presets_catalog => '' ,
--[ TITo ]
{ a =>1, b =>2 }
--[ rowh_RANDy ]
{ name => join "" , rand_chars( set => "alpha" , min =>5, max =>7) }
--[ rowh_RAND2y ]
{ name => join "" , rand_chars( set => "numeric" , min =>5, max =>7) }
--[ h_RAND3 ]
[ { id => ( join '' ,rand_chars( set => "numeric" )), name => join ( '' , rand_chars( set => "alpha" )), role_code => 1 }, ],
--[ h_RAND4 ]
[ { id =>1 }, { id => 2 }, { id => 3 } , ],
If you use presets_catalog, arrays references [] rows MUST BE ended with a ',' (comma), like in: |
--[ h_RAND4 ] [ { id =>1 }, { id => 2 }, { id => 3 } , ],