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Schedule::TableImage - creates a graphic schedule with labelled events. User inputs the hours, days, and events to show. Uses Image::Magick to generate the image file.


    use Schedule::TableImage;
    my $cal = Schedule::TableImage->new(days => \@days, hours => \@hour);


    Creates a image of a schedule with labelled events. 
    This schedule image is a grid in which days are labelled horizontally and hours are labelled vertically.  
    This is useful to a week view, although you can have as many days as you would like, with any label you like.
    Events are colored boxes with text labels for a given time and day. 
    If events overlap on a given day or time, the width of the day expands to accomodate both (or all) events.

    Requires Image::Magick, and Text::Wrapper. 



Schedule::TableImage->new(days => \@days, hours => \@hour, width=> 450, height=>600, font=>'path/to/font');

    Hours is the display name and value is the 4 digit hour code
    The hours will be displayed in the order they appear in this array.

    Two examples:

  @hours = (
             {display =>'10am', value   =>'1000'}, 
             {display =>'11am', value   =>'1100'} )

  @hours = (
             {display =>'wakeup', value   =>'0835'}, 
             {display =>'drink coffee', value   =>'0900'} )

    Days is an array of hashes of the display name and a correlation value.  The 'value' field is used by the event table to indicate which day the event is.

    The days will be displayed in the order they appear in this array.

    Two examples:

    @days = ( {display => 'Monday', value='1'}, 
            {display => 'Tuesday', value='2'});

    @days = ( {display => 'Sept 3', value='3'}, 
            {display => 'Sept 5', value='5'}); 

    For both the days and hours hashes, the display field is only used to print some text on the margins of the image. The value field is what will be compared to the information in your event to see where the event should be placed. The order of the array of hashes determines how to order your days and hours on the schedule.

    Width is the starting width of the image. Width defaults to 500px.
    Width may change depending on the number of overlapping events.
    Height is the start (and end) height of image.   Height defaults to 500px.



    Events are an array of hashes.
    The hashes must contain a title, begin_time, end_time, and day_num.
    The default fill_color is "#999999" (grey).
    The time fields must be a 4 digit military time format HHMM. For example, 7:30pm would be represented as 1930.
    The day_num must correspond to one of the "val" elements in your array of day hashes (See new).
    Each event is one block on your schedule - it can only be on one day within one set of times. 

    my @events = (
                  { title      => 'SampleEvent',
                    begin_time => '1800',
                    end_time   => '1930',
                    day_num    => '1',
                    fill_color => '#CCCCCC'                    
                  { title      => 'Second sample',
                    begin_time => '1000',
                    end_time   => '1300',
                    day_num    => '4',
                    fill_color => '#CFF66C'                    


    $cal->write_image('/public_html/myimage.png' [, '90']);

    Writes the Image to the given path and filename.  You can use any image type your Image::Magick installation supports.
    Review the Image::Magick docs to see whether a quality metric is useful to you and your filetype.


    clear_events removes all events from your schedule object.


    Creates only a blank schedule based on the days and hours.
    Does not add the events to the schedule image. 
    You do not need to call this if you call add_events.  Only call this if you want a blank schedule.


    $cal->error("one error message", "a different error message");
    The current error functionality simply dies with the error messages.
    You probably never need to call this, but you may see the effects.
    The first error message is something the user might want to see.
    The second message has information for the programmer or debugger, 
    and includes any Image::Magick error messages.  


Rebecca Hunt (


If the text is too long for an event, the text is not truncated. Instead, it wraps below the bottom line of the event.


ImageMagick, Text::Wrapper


Copyright (c) 2003 Rebecca A Hunt. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.