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Script::Toolbox - Framework for the daily business scripts


  use Script::Toolbox qw(:all);

  $e = Script::Toolbox->new();

  # Command line options
  $x    = {'file'=>{'mod'=>'=s','desc'=>'Description',    'mand'=>1, 'default'=>'/bin/cat'},
           'int' =>{'mod'=>'=i','desc'=>'Integer option', 'mand'=>1, 'default'=>'10'      },
           'flag'=>{            'desc'=>'Boolean option', 'mand'=>0                       },
  $tb   = Script::Toolbox->new( $x );
  $file = $tb->{'file'};
  $old  = $tb->SetOpt('newFile');

  # Logging 
  Log( 'log message' );           # log to STDERR
  Log( 'log message', 'STDERR' ); # log to STDERR
  Log( 'log message', 'STDOUT' ); # log to STDOUT
  Log( 'log message', '/tmp/x' ); # log to /tmp/x
  Log( 'log message', new IO::File '/tmp/XXX' ); # log to /tmp/XXX

        { logdir'=>{'mod'=>'=s',
                   desc'=>'Log directory',
  Log( 'log message' ); # log to /var/log/<scriptName>.log

  Log( 'log message','syslog','severity','tag' ); # log via syslogd

  # Formatted tables like:
  #   print join "\n", @{$t};

  $t = Table( [ '1;2;3','44;55;66','7.77;8.88;9.99' ] );
  $t = Table( [ '1|2|3','44|55|66','7.77|8.88|9.99' ], '|');
  $t = Table( [ 'This is the title',
                [ '--H1--',  '--H2--', '--H3--'],
                [ '11:11:11',  33.456, 'cc  '  ],
                [ '12:23:00', 2222222, 3       ],
                [ '11:11', 222, 3333333333333333 ]]);
  $t = Table({ 'title' => 'Hash example',
               'head'  => ['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3'],
               'data'  => [[ '11:11:11',  33.456, 'cc  ' ],
                           [ '12:23:00', 2222222, 3 ],
                           [ '11:11', 222, 3333333333333333 ]]});
  $t = Table({'title'=>'Hash with automatic column heads (F1,F2,F3)',
              'data' =>[{'F1'=>'aaaa','F2'=>'bbb','F3'=>'c'},
                        {'F1'=>'dd  ','F2'=>'ee ','F3'=>'f'}]});
  # as OO version
  my $T = Script::Toolbox::TableO->new([ '1;2;3','44;55;66','7.77;8.88;9.99' ] );
  my @T = $T->asArray();
  print   $T->asString();       # table rows separated by \n
  print   $T->asString("\n\n"); # table rows separated by \n\n

  # Automatic usage messages
  Usage(); # print an usage message for all options
           # if available print also the POD

  Usage('This is additional text for the usage');

  # Directory handling
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp' );            # all except . and ..
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp', '.*patt' );  # all matching patt
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp', '!.*patt' ); # all not matching patt

  $stat   = Stat('/bin');            # like Dir() with stat() for each file
  $stat   = Stat('/bin','.*grep');   # grep,egrep,fgrep

  # File handling
  # READ file
  $arrRef = File ('path/to/file');              # read file into array
  $arrRef = FileC('path/to/file');              # read file into array, chomp all lines
  $arrRef = File ('/bin/ps |');                 # read comand STDOUT into array
  $arrRef = File ('path/to/file', \&callback ); # filter with callback
  $arrRef = FileC('path/to/file', \&callback ); # filter with callback, chomp all lines

  # WRITE file
  File( '> path/to/file', 'override the old content' );
  File( 'path/to/file',   'append this to the file' );
  File( 'path/to/file',   $arrRef );           # append array elements 
  File( 'path/to/file',   $arrRef, $recSep );  # append array elements 
  File( 'path/to/file',   $hashRef, $recSep, $fieldSep); # append key <$fldSep> value <$recSep>
  File( '| /bin/cat', 'Hello world.\n' );

  $fileHandle = TmpFile();                     # open new temporary file
  $arrRef     = TmpFile($fileHandle)           # read temp whole file

  # IO::File operations on files
  $fh = Open( '> /tmp/xx' ); # return an IO::File object with
                             # /tmp/xx opened for write 
                             # die with logfile entry if failed
  $fh = Open( '/bin/ps |' ); # return an IO::File object
                             # die with logfile entry if failed

  # Key maps. Key maps are hashs of hashs like:
  # key => key => ... key => value
  # fill key map from CSV file
  $keyMap = KeyMap('path/to/file');
  $keyMap = KeyMap('path/to/file', $fieldSep);

  # write the hash to CSV file
  KeyMap('path/to/file', $fieldSep, $hashRef); 

  # Miscelleanous
  Exit( 1, 'Exit message' ); # exit with returncode 1, 
                             # write exit message via Log()

  Exit( 1, 'Exit message', __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                             # exit with returncode 1, 
                             # with code line reference,
                             # write exit message via Log()

  $rc = System('/bin/ls')    # execute a system command and
                             # report it's output into the 
                             # logfile.

  # Date and time handling |
  $n   = Now();
  print  $n->{'mday'},$n->{'mon'},  $n->{'year'},$n->{'wday'}, $n->{'yday'},
         $n->{'isdst'},$n->{'sec'}, $n->{'min'}, $n->{'hour'};
  print  Now->{'epoch'};
  $now = Now({'format'=>'%A, %B %d, %Y'});      # Monday, October 10, 2005
  $now = Now({'offset'=>3600});                 # now + 1 hour
  $diff= Now({'diff'=>time()+86400+3600+60+1}); # time+1d+1h+1min+1sec (diff=now-refTime)
  print  $diff->{'seconds'};                    # 90061 
  print  $diff->{'minutes'};                    # 1501.016
  print  $diff->{'hours'};                      # 25.01694
  print  $diff->{'days'};                       # 1.042373
  print  $diff->{'DHMS'};                       # '1d 01:01:01'

  # Menu handling
  # using Menu to start subroutines
  my $menuDef = [{'header'=>'This is the line on top'},
                   {'footer'=>'This is the bottom line.'},
                   {'label'=>'EXIT',          jump'=>\&_exit,     argv'=>0},
                   {'label'=>'Edit Hosts',    jump'=>\&editHosts, argv'=>$ops},
                   {'label'=>'Activate Host', jump'=>\&activate,  argv'=>$ops}, 
                   {'label'=>'Changeable Value','value'=>10},
                   {'label'=>'Read only  Value','value'=>10, 'readOnly'=>1},
  while( 1 ) { my ($o,$mainMenu) = Menu($menuDef); }

  # or ...
  my ($resp, $menue) = Menu([{'label'=>'One'},{'label'=>'Two'},{'label'=>'Three'}]);
  print 'Second Option' if( $resp == 2 );

  # or with header and footer
  my ($resp, $menue) = Menu([{'header'=>'This is the optional head line.'}, 
                              {'label' =>'One'},{'label'=>'Two'},{'label'=>'Three'},
                              {'footer'=>'This is the optional footer line.'}]);
  print 'Second Option' if( $resp == 2 );

  # Menu container 
  my $m = Script::Toolbox::Util::Menus->new({'SubMenu1'=>[{'label'=>'Opt1','label'=>'Opt2'}]});
  my $m = Script::Toolbox::Util::Menus->new();

     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Opt3',     'jump'=>\&callBack });
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Sub Menu','jump'=>'SubMenu1'}); 
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Edit Value','value'=>10});
     $m->setAutoHeader();               # enable AutoHeader for all defined menues
     $m->setAutoHeader('MainMenu');    # enable AutoHeader for one menue
     $m->delAutoHeader();               # disable AutoHeader for all defined menues
     $m->delAutoHeader('MainMenu');    # disable AutoHeader for one menue
     $m->setHeader('MainMenu','My new header of main manue'); # override setAutoHeader()

  my $num = $m->run('MainMenu');        # terminate menue after first selection, return seleted option number
     $num = $m->run('MainMenu', 3);     # terminate menue after third selection, return last seleted option number
     $num = $m->run('MainMenu', 0);     # terminate never
  my $opt = $m->currNumber('MainMenu'); # return number of last seleted option
  my $lbl = $m->currLabel ('MainMenu'); # return label  of last seleted option
  my $jmp = $m->currJump  ('MainMenu'); # return callback address of last seleted option
  my $val = $m->currValue ('MainMenu'); # return data value of last seleted option
  my $lbl = $m->setCurrLabel ('MainMenu','newLabel'); # set label  of last seleted option
  my $val = $m->setCurrValue ('MainMenu','newValue'); # set data value of last seleted option
  my $jmp = $m->setCurrJump  ('MainMenu',\&newCB,$newArgv); # set callback address of last seleted option

  my $list= $m->getMatching('MainMenu','^[1]','number','label'); # return all labels where option number starts with one
  my $list= $m->getMatching('MainMenu','(min|low)','value','number'); # return all option numbers where value match min or low

  # Data Menus 
  # using Menu to display and edit some few data values
  my $dataMenu = [{'label'=>'EXIT'},
                   {'label'=>'ZIP', value'=>'01468'},
                   {'label'=>'City',value'=>'Templeton'} ];

  while( 1 ) {
    my ($o,$dataMenu) = Menu($dataMenu);
    last if( $o == 0 );

  # or ...
  my $dataMenu = [{'label'=>'Name','value'=>'',         'default'=>'Linus'},
                  {'label'=>'ZIP', 'value'=>'01468',    'default'=>'00000'},
                  {'label'=>'City','value'=>'Templeton','default'=>'London'} ];
  $dataMenu = DataMenu($dataMenu)
  my $data   = DataMenu('aaa bbb ccc');
  my $data   = DataMenu('aaa bbb ccc',{'header'=>'Top Line', 'footer'=>'Bottom Line'});

  # CheckBox Menus
  my $x = CheckBox('Head2',',AAA,BBB,ccc','ccc|AAA'); # BBB is off
  my $m = Script::Toolbox::Util::Menus->new();
  my $x = CheckBox('Head7',',AAA,BBB,ccc',undef, $m); # temp. in container $m
  my $x = CheckBox('HeadC',',AAA,BBB,ccc','ccc', $m,'testmenu');
                                              #  testmenu perm. in container $m


  This module should be a 'swiss army knife' for the daily tasks.
  The main goals are command line processing, automatic usage
  messages, signal catching (with logging), simple logging, 
  simple data formatting, simple directory and file processing.



This function lists the file names in the directory into an array (without '.' and '..'). Return a reference to this array or undef if directory is not readable.

Dir('/path/to/dir', 'regexp')

This function lists the file names in the directory into an array (without '.' and '..'). Skip any file names not matching regexp. Return a reference to this array or undef if the directory is not readable.

Dir('/path/to/dir', '!regexp')

This function lists the file names in the directory into an array (without '.' and '..'). Skip any file names matching regexp. Return a reference to this array or undef if the directory is not readable.

Exit(1,'The reason for the exit.', __FILE__, __LINE__)

Exit the script with return value 1. Write the message to the log-channel via Log(). __FILE__ and __LINE__ are optional.

$arrRef = File('/path/to/file')

This function read the file content into an array. Return a reference to this array or undef if the file is not readable.

$arrRef = File('/path/to/file', \&callback)

Read the file into an array. Afterwards call the callback function with a reference to that array. The return value of File() will be the return value of the callback function. In case the callback function do not return anything, a reference to the input array of the callback function will be returned. The callback function may return one scalar value.

 sub decrypt($) {...}
 $f = File('path/to/encrypted', \&decrypt);
File( '> path/to/file', 'overwrite the old content' )

Write the string to the file. Overwrite the old content of the file. Return undef in case of an error otherwise 1;

File( 'path/to/file', 'append this to the file' )

Append the string to the file. Return undef in case of an error otherwise 1;

File( 'path/to/file', $arrRef )

Append each array element to the end of the file as is (no automatic newline). Return undef in case of an error otherwise 1;

File( 'path/to/file', $arrRef, $recSep )

Concatenate each array element with the record separator and append it to the file. Return undef in case of an error otherwise 1;

File( 'path/to/file', $hashRef, $recSep, $fieldSep )

Append records like KEY$fieldSepVALUE$recSep to the file. Default record separator is the empty string. Default field separator is ':'; Return undef in case of an error otherwise 1;

$arrRef = FileC('/path/to/file')

Same as File('/path/to/file') but with chomped the results.

$arrRef = FileC('/path/to/file', \&callback)

Same as File('/path/to/file', \&callback) but with chomped the results.


Read a CSV file with the structure


into a hash of the same structure. The default field separator is ','.

KeyMap('path/to/file', $fieldSep)

Use $fieldSep as field separator.

KeyMap('path/to/file', \&callback)

Same funtionality as in File().

KeyMap('path/to/file', $fieldSep, \&callback)

Same funtionality as in File(). Use $fieldSep as field separator.

KeyMap('path/to/file', $fieldSep, $hashRef)

Write a hash with the structure

        key1.1 => key1.2 => ... => value1
        key2.1 => key2.2 => ... => value2

into a file of the same structure. Use $fieldSep as field separator.

Log('The message', [channel])

Add a timestamp and write the log message to the channel. The channel may be 'STDERR' (default), 'STDOUT', /path/to/logfile or an IO::File object. Without a channel and using the command line option -logdir /path/to/log the log file will be created under /path/to/log/<scriptName.log>. ScriptName is the basename of the perl script using;

Now({'format'=><'strftime-format'>, offset'=><+-seconds>})

Return the actual date and time. If $format is undef the result is a hash ref. The keys are: sec min hour mday mon year wday yday isdst epoch. Month and year are corrected. Epoch is the time in seconds since 1.1.1970. If $format is not undef it must be a strftime() format string. The result of Now() is then the strftime() formated date string. If defined, offset will be added to the epoch seconds before any format convertion takes place.

Now({'diff'=><time>}) $diff may be a value in epoch seconds or any string parseable by Time::ParseDate. If Now() is called with a diff argument it returns a hash ref with following keys seconds minutes hours days DHMS. Each corresponding value is the difference between now and the given time value.
    my $d = Now( time()- 1800 );
    print $d->{'seconds'} .'s';         # 1800.0s
    print $d->{'minutes'} .'min';       # 30.0min
    print $d->{'hours'}   .'h'; # 0.5h
    print $d->{'days'}    .'d'; # 0.02083d
    print $d->{'DHMS'};         # 0d 00:30:00
Stat('/path/to/dir', '!regexp')

Read the directory like Dir() and make a stat() call for each matching file. Skip '.' '..' and any entry matching regexp. Return a reference to a hash or undef if directory not readable.

Stat('/path/to/dir', 'regexp')

Read the directory like Dir() and make a stat() call for each matching file. Skip '.' '..' and any entry not matching regexp. Return a reference to a hash or undef if directory not readable.

        $d = Stat('/bin','echo');
        print $d->{'echo'}{'atime'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'blksize'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'blocks'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'ctime'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'dev'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'gid'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'ino'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'mode'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'mtime'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'nlink'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'rdev'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'size'};
        print $d->{'echo'}{'uid'};
System( 'command to execute' )

Execute a program in a new shell. The STDOUT / STDERR of the executed program will be logged into the logfile. System() returns 0 if the exit code of the program is not 0 otherwise 1;


Table can be used for formatting simple data structures into equal spaced tables. Table knows the folloing input data structures:

  • Array of CSV lines. Default separator is ';'

  • Array of arrays. If the first array element is a SCALAR value, we assume it is the title and the second array element has the column headers. Otherwise default title and headers will be generated.

  • A hash with the keys 'title', 'head' and 'data'. 'title' points to a SCALAR value, 'head' points to an array of scalars. 'data' points to an array of arrays or an array of hashes.

    In case of array of hashes, the column heads will be initialized from the keys of the hash in the first array element. The order of the columns is the order of the sorted keys of the hash in the first array element.


It's an object oriented version of Table (vers. >= 0.50). A Table-Object has two methods.


Return the formatted table as array of scalars.


Return the formatted table as string. Tablerows will be separated by separator <sep> or by "\n" as default if <sep> is missing.

There are two types of menues. Regular menues and data menues. All menues use the madatory key 'label'. A data menue has the mandatory key 'value' and optional keys 'default' and 'readOnly'. The latter has some special effects within Menus containers. See also addOption() and run().

Optional keys for both types are 'header' and 'footer'. All Entries with these keys will be printed on top resp. below the option lines.

Regular menues may use the optional keys 'jump' and 'argv'. Jump points to a handler subroutine. Argv points to the arguments of the handler subroutine.

This is an object oriented container for regular menues. Each menue generated by Menus->new() gets an automatic RETURN option with option number zero and must have an unique menue-name.



Add one or more complete menue definitions to the menues object. A <menueDefs> has this layout: {<menueName> => [<menueDef>], ...}

<menueDef> is the structure of a simple menue as decribed in item Menu. In the context of Menus, a jump target may be also the name of a menue in the same Menus container.

         'SubMenu' =>[{'label'=>'Opt2'}, {'label'=>'Opt3'}],
         'MainMenu'=>[{'label'=>'Go to submenue','jump'=>'SubMenu'}, {'label'=>'Opt1'}]

Add a new option line to the menue <menueName>.

     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Opt3',      'jump'=>\&callBack });
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Sub Menu',  'jump'=>'SubMenu1'}); 
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Edit 1','value'=>10});
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Edit 2','value'=>10, 'default'=>20});
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Toggle1', 'readOnly'=>1,
                                 'value'=>10, 'default'=>20});
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Toggle2', 'readOnly'=>1, 'value'=>10});
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Toggle3', 'readOnly'=>1, 'default'=>10});
     $m->addOption('MainMenu',  {'label'=>'Toggle4', 'readOnly'=>1, });
Edit 1

Normal edit mode. If you enter <SPACE> the content of value is a space character.

Edit 2

Reset to default mode. If you enter <SPACE> the content of value is the content of default.

Toggle 1

The content of value toggles between 10 and 20 (value and default content).

Toggle 2

The content of value toggles between 10 and '' (value and default content).

Toggle 3

The content of value toggles between '' and 10 (value and default content).

Toggle 4

The content of value toggles between 'x' and '' (value and default content).


Replace the header of the menue <menueName>. This override an enabled auto header.


Replace the footer of the menue <menueName>.

run(<menueName>, [<maxRunCnt>])

Start the menue <menueName>. The run() method returns after the the user has <maxRunCnt> options selected. Default value for <maxRunCnt> is one. If <maxRunCnt> is lower than or equal zero, the run() method will never return unless the user selects the RETURN option (num=0). The run() method returns the number of the last selected option.

If the menu runs in endless mode (maxRunCnt < 0), then all <readOnly> options will take a special behavior. They are in toggle-mode. See also example at addOption().

    while( $m->run('MainMenu') ) { ... }
    $num = $m->run('MainMenu', 3);
    $num = $m->run('MainMenu', 0);

Get the number of the last selected option.

  my $opt = $m->currNumber('MainMenu');

Get the label of the last selected option.

  my $lbl = $m->currLabel ('MainMenu');

Get the address of the callback function of the last selected option.

  my $jmp = $m->currJump  ('MainMenu');

Get the data field value of the last selected option.

  my $val = $m->currValue ('MainMenu'); 

Change the label string of the last selected option. Return the old label string.

  my $old = $m->setCurrLabel ('MainMenu','newLabel'); 

Change the address of the callback function and argv of the last selected option.

  my ($oldCB,$oldArgv) = $m->setCurrJump  ('MainMenu',<newCallBack>,<newArgv>); 

Change the data field value of the last selected option. Return the old value.

  my $old = $m->currValue ('MainMenu','newValue');

Set a new default for the current selected option of menue <nemuName>. Return the old default.


Set the readOnly flag for the current selected option of menue <nemuName>. Return the old readOnly state. <newReadOnly> may be 0, 'false' or undef for logical false. Any other values means locical true.


Search in the options array of menue named <menueName>. Return the reference to an array with return values according to matches.


A regular expression.


The part of option to search in (label,number,value).


The part of option to return (label,number,value) if search match.

setAutoHeader(), setAutoHeader(<menueName>)

Enable automatic header line generation if no regular header defined. The header looks like 'Menu: <menueName>' Enable AutoHeader for all menues or only the one selected by <menueName>.

delAutoHeader(), delAutoHeader(<menueName>)

Disable AutoHeader for all menues or only the one selected by <menueName>.


Return a hash with all label-value pairs of the menu.


Return the current value of the running counter of the menu.


This method provides setting of the value fields of options. <values> is a hash like {<label> => <value>}. Only updates on existing labels are allowed.


This method provides setting of the default fields of options. <values> is a hash like {<label> => <value>}. Only updates on existing labels are allowed.


This method provides setting of the readOnly fields of options. <readOnly> is a hash like {<label> => <readOnly>}. Only updates on existing labels are allowed.


This method provides setting of the jump fields of options. <jump> is a hash like {<label> => <jump>}. Only updates on existing labels are allowed.


This is a convenient version to edit values via Menu function. It includes an endless loop and an automatic generated EXIT label and exit handling. The edited values will be returned. Acceptable input are the same array with 'label', 'value' hash or a simple white space separated scalar value. In case of simple scalar input an optional hash with 'header' and/or 'footer' keys may be given as second parameter. An option entry like:

 {'label'=>'Read Only Example', 'value'=>10, 'readOnly'=>1}

causes the value will be displayed only and can not be changed.

If a default is defined, like this:

 {'label'=>'Default Example', 'value'=>10, 'default'=>'99'}

and the input is a single space character, then the 'default' will be assigned to 'value'.


Display the options <opts> as menu. Each of them has an autogenerated value field with possible values of '' (means: OFF) or 'x' (means: ON). <preSel> is a regular expression like 'a|b|c', means the options with labels 'a', 'b' or 'c' gets in ON state. All other options are switched OFF. Selecting an option, toggles the value of the value field.

CheckBox() returns a hash like {'on'=>[a,b],'off'=>[c,d,e]}.


Display the options <opts> as menu. Each of them has an autogenerated value field with possible values of '' (means: OFF) or 'x' (means: ON). Only one option at the same time can be ON. <preSel> is a regular expression matching one of the labels. The option with this label gets in ON state. All other options are switched OFF. Selecting an option switch it ON and all other OFF.

RadioButton() returns a hash like {'on'=>[a,b],'off'=>[c,d,e]}.

The header of the check box menu.


The option labels. May be given as array or as CSV-String. CSV-String means: ',a,b,c' with first character of the string as separator character.


A regular expression. Each option where label matching this regex gets in state ON.


Menus container to store the check box in. Usualy used together with option menName.


Name of the check box menu. Usualy used together with option cont. In this case the check box menu is permanently stored. Subsequent calls presents the selection of the previous call.


The signals SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM will be catched by Script::Toolbox and logged as 'program aborted by signal SIG$sig.'


None by default. Can export Dir, Exit, File, KeyMap, Log, Now, Open, Table, Usage, System, Stat or :all.


Menues, Menue, DataMenue will be removed in version 1.0 ;-)


IO::File, Fatal, Script::Toolbox::Util, Script::Toolbox::Util::Open, Script::Toolbox::Util::Formatter, Script::Toolbox::Util::Menus, Script::Toolbox::TableO, "Time::ParseDate (Time-modules.tar.gz)"


Matthias Eckardt, <>


Copyright 2002-2018 by Matthias Eckardt, imunixx GmbH

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.