Shell::Var::Reader::CMDB - Helper for updating shell_var_reader based CMDBs.
Version 0.5.0
Reads through the directory and process all relevant files.
The following options are available.
- dir :: Path to where to create it.
- Default :: undef.
- verbose :: If it should be verbose or not.
- Default :: 1
- to_process :: An optional array of groups or systems
to process by path.
- Default :: undef
If dir undef, it will check the following directories for the file '.shell_var_reader'.
When using to_process, group and systems should not be mixed as it will result in groups being ignored as systems is more restrictive.
Lets assume we have the following...
So if we have to_process set to ['group_a'] the following would be processed...
So if we have to_process set to ['group_a/'] the following would be processed...
So if we have to_process set to ['group_a/', 'group_b'] the following would be processed...
Specifically named files.
- .shell_var_reader :: Marks the base directory as being for a shell_var_reader CMDB.
Specifically named directories.
- cmdb :: The TOML CMDB directory.
- json_confs :: Generated JSON confs.
- shell_confs :: Generated shell confs.
- toml_confs :: Generated TOML confs.
- yaml_confs :: Generated YAML confs.
Other directories that that don't start with a '.' or contiain a file named '.not_a_system_group' will be processed as system groups.
TOML will be skipped if .no_toml exists in the base directory.
These directories will be searched for files directly below them for files ending in '.sh' and not starting with either a '_' or a '.'. The name used for a system is the name of the file minus the ending '.sh', so '' would generate a config for a system named ''.
When it finds a file to use as a system config, it will point shell_var_reader at it with TOML CMDB enabled and with the name of that system set the hostname to use with the TOML CMDB. That name will also be saved as the variable 'SYSTEM_NAME', provided that variable is not defined already. If a '' exists, that file is used as the munger file. shell_var_reader will be ran four times, once to generate each config type.
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, <vvelox at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-shell-var-reader at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Shell::Var::Reader
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This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)