Sport::Analytics::NHL::Merger - Merge the extra (HTML) reports into the master one (JSON).
Merge the extra (HTML) reports into the master one (JSON).
These are methods that match the data in the extra reports to the master one and merge it, or complement it, where necessary.
The behaviour of the tests is controlled by several global variables:
- the type of the report currently being merged.
- the boxscore currently being merged.
- the player roster resolution cache as described in Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report::BS (
When trying to resolve a player in the HTML report to his NHL id, look up by player's name in the names section of the resolve cache.
Arguments: * event description
* resolve cache
* player's number
Returns: the reference to the player in the boxscore roster
Copy the events from a report when the original section of reports in the live boxscore is missing.
Arguments: * the boxscore report
* the extra report being merged
Returns: void, sets
Checks if the event in the merged report was expected to be missed (i.e. not matched) within the boxscore
Arguments: * the type of the merged report
* the event in question
* the master boxscore
Returns: 0|1
Finds the matching event from the extra report in the master boxscore.
Arguments: * the event
* the master boxscore event list
* the type of the extra report
Returns: the matched event or -1
Finds the matching player from the extra report in the master boxscore.
Arguments: * the player data
* the roster in the matching boxscore to look in
* [optional] list of players on ice to look in
Returns: the matched player or
Used by find_player to find the player by the NHL id.
Arguments: * the player data
* the roster in the matching boxscore to look in
Returns: the matched player or
Used by find_player to find the player by the name.
Arguments: * the player data
* the roster in the matching boxscore to look in
* [optional] list of players on ice to look in
Returns: the matched player or
Merges the matched events' data. Usually the data in the boxscore is considered correct, so only additional data is added.
Arguments: * the boxscore report
* the extra report being merged
Returns: void, sets
Actually performs the merging of the item. Usually the data in the boxscore is considered correct, so only additional data is added.
Arguments: * the boxscore item
* the extra report item
* [optional] list of fields to be merged
Returns: void, sets the event's fields.
The function to call to merge two reports.
Arguments: * the boxscore report
* the extra report being merged
Returns: void, sets
and adds
Merges two rosters of a team, from the master boxscore and from the extra report.
Arguments: * the boxscore roster
* the report roster
Returns: void, sets the roster.
Merges the shift information of the game from the TV/TH reports.
Arguments: the boxscore report
the shifts report (TV or TH)
Returns: void, sets the shifts.
Merges the teams of the game, from the master boxscore and from the extra report.
Arguments: * the boxscore report
* the extra report being merged
Returns: void, sets
Pushes the event that is found in the extra report but not in the master boxscore into the master boxscore's event list.
Arguments: * the event
* the master boxscore
* the type of the extra report
Returns: void, sets
In case find_event (q.v.) is matched with more than one event, refines the candidate list to ultimately find the event.
Arguments: * the event
* the list of candidates
Returns: the refined list of candidates
Resolves the extra report players in the roster, in the events and on ice to their NHL ids.
Arguments: * the boxscore report
* the extra report being merged
Returns: void. The extra report is modified.
Resolves event fields such as player1, player2, assist1, assist2 and servedby to the NHL ids.
Arguments: * the event
* the master boxscore
Returns: void. The event is modified.
Resolves the extra report event teams to their NHL ids.
Arguments: * the event
* the master boxscore
Returns: void. The event is modified.
Resolves the players on the ice during the event to their NHL ids.
Arguments: * the event
* the master boxscore
Returns: void. The event is modified.
Resolves the players on the rosters of the extra report to their NHL ids.
Arguments: * the roster
* the master boxscore
* the roster
(0 - away, 1 - home)
Returns: void. The roster is modified.
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You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Sport::Analytics::NHL::Merger
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