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Sub::SymMethod - symbiotic methods; methods that act a little like BUILD and DEMOLISH


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

  package Local::Base;
  use Class::Tiny;
  use Sub::SymMethod;
  symmethod foo => sub { say __PACKAGE__ };

  package Local::Role;
  use Role::Tiny;
  use Sub::SymMethod;
  symmethod foo => sub { say __PACKAGE__ };

  package Local::Derived;
  use parent -norequire, 'Local::Base';
  use Role::Tiny::With; with 'Local::Role';
  use Sub::SymMethod;
  symmethod foo => sub { say __PACKAGE__ };

# Local::Base
# Local::Role
# Local::Derived


Sub::SymMethod creates hierarchies of methods so that when you call one, all the methods in the inheritance chain (including ones defined in roles) are invoked.

They are invoked from the most basal class to the most derived class. Methods defined in roles are invoked before methods defined in the class they were composed into.

This is similar to how the BUILD and DEMOLISH methods are invoked in Moo, Moose, and Mouse. (You should not use this module to define BUILD and DEMOLISH methods though, as Moo/Moose/Mouse already includes all the plumbing to ensure that they are called correctly. This module is instead intended to allow you to define your own methods which behave similarly.)

You can think of "symmethod" as being short for "symbiotic method", "syncretic method", or "synarchy of methods".

If you are familiar with multi methods, you can think of a symmethod as a multi method where instead of picking one "winning" candidate to dispatch to, the dispatcher dispatches to as many candidates as it can find!

Use Cases

Symmethods are useful for "hooks". For example, the following pseudocode:

class Message {
  method send () {
  symmethod on_send () {
    # do nothing

role LoggedMessage {
  symmethod on_send () {
    print STDERR "Sending message\n";

class ImportantMessage {
  extends Message;
  with LoggedMessage;
  symmethod on_send () {
    $self->add_to_archive( "Important" );

When the send method gets called on an ImportantMessage object, the inherited send method from Message will get invoked. This will call on_send, which will call every on_send definition in the inheritance hierarchy for ImportantMessage, ensuring the sending of the important message gets logged to STDERR and the message gets archived.


Sub::SymMethod exports one function, but which may be called in two different ways.

symmethod $name => $coderef

Creates a symmethod.

symmethod $name => %spec

Creates a symmethod.

The specification hash must contain a code key, which must be a coderef. It may also include an order key, which must be numeric. Any other keys are passed to signature from Type::Params to build a signature for the symmethod.

Invoking Symmethods

Given the following pseudocode:

class Base {
  symmethod foo () {
    say wantarray ? "List context" : "Scalar context";
    return "BASE";

class Derived {
  extends Base;
  symmethod foo () {
    say wantarray ? "List context" : "Scalar context";
    return "DERIVED";

my @r = Derived->foo();
my $r = Derived->foo();

"Scalar context" will be said four times. Symmethods are always invoked in scalar context even when they have been called in list context!

The @r array will be ( "BASE", "DERIVED" ). When a symmethod is called in list context, a list of the returned values will be returned.

The variable $r will be 2. It is the count of the returned values.

If a symmethod throws an exception this will not be caught, so any further symmethods waiting to be invoked will not get invoked.

Invocation Order

It is possible to force a symmethod to run early by setting order to a negative number.

symmethod foo => (
  order => -100,
  code  => sub { my $self = shift; ... },

It is possible to force a symmethod to run late by setting order to a positive number.

symmethod foo => (
  order => 100,
  code  => sub { my $self = shift; ... },

The default order is 0 for all symmethods, and in most cases this will be fine.

Where symmethods have the same order (the usual case!) symmethods are invoked from most basal class to most derived class -- i.e. from parent to child. Where a class consumes symmethods from roles, a symmethods defined in a role will be invoked before a symmethod defined in the class, but after any inherited from base/parent classes.

Symmethods and Signatures

When defining symmethods, you can define a signature using the same options supported by signature from Type::Params.

use Types::Standard 'Num';
use Sub::SymMethod;

symmethod foo => (
  positional => [ Num ],
  code       => sub {
    my ( $self, $num ) = @_;
    print $num, "\n";

symmethod foo => (
  named => [ mynum => Num ],
  code  => sub {
    my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
    print $arg->mynum, "\n";

When the symmethod is called, any symmethods where the arguments do not match the signature are simply skipped.

The invocant ($self or $class or whatever) is not included in the signature.

The coderef given in code receives the list of arguments after they've been passed through the signature, which may coerce them, etc.

Using a signature requires Type::Params to be installed.


Sub::SymMethod has an object oriented API for metaprogramming.

When describing it, we'll borrow the terms dispatcher and candidate from Sub::MultiMethod. The candidates are the coderefs you gave to Sub::SymMethod -- so there might be a candidate defined in your parent class and a candidate defined in your child class. The dispatcher is the method that Sub::SymMethod creates for you (probably just in the base class, but theoretically perhaps also in the child class) which is responsible for finding the candidates and calling them.

The Sub::SymMethod API offers the following methods:

install_symmethod( $target, $name, %spec )

Installs a candidate method for a class or role.

$target is the class or role the candidate is being defined for. $name is the name of the method. %spec must include a code key and optionally an order key. Any keys not directly supported by Sub::SymMethod will be passed through to Type::Params to provide a signature for the method.

If $target is a class, this will also install a dispatcher into the class. Passing no_dispatcher => 1 in the spec will avoid this.

If $target is a role, this will also install hooks to the role to notify Sub::SymMethod whenever the role gets consumed by a class. Passing no_hooks => 1 in the spec will avoid this.

This will also perform any needed cache invalidation.

build_dispatcher( $target, $name )

Builds a coderef that could potentially be installed into *{"$target\::$name"} to be used as a dispatcher.

install_dispatcher( $target, $name )

Builds a coderef that could potentially be installed into *{"$target\::$name"} to be used as a dispatcher, and actually installs it.

This complains if it notices it's overwriting an existing method which isn't a dispatcher. (It also remembers the coderef being installed is a dispatcher, which can later be checked using is_dispatcher.)

is_dispatcher( $coderef )

Checks to see if $coderef is a dispatcher.

Can also be called as is_dispatcher( $coderef, 0 ) or is_dispatcher( $coderef, 1 ) to teach it about a coderef.

dispatch( $invocant, $name, @args )

Equivalent to calling $invocant->$name(@args) except doesn't use the dispatcher installed into the invocant's class, instead building a new dispatcher and using that.

install_hooks( $rolename )

Given a role, sets up the required hooks which ensure that when the role is composed with a class, dispatchers will be installed into the class to handle all of the role's symmethods, and Sub::SymMethod will know that the class consumed the role.

Also performs cache invalidation.

get_roles_for_class ( $classname )

Returns an arrayref containing a list of roles the class is known to consume. We only care about roles that define symmethods.

If you need to manually specify that a class consumes a role, you can push the role name onto the arrayref. This would usually only be necessary if you were using an unsupported role implementation. (Supported role implementations include Role::Tiny, Role::Basic, Moo::Role, Moose::Role, and Mouse::Role.)

clear_cache( $name )

Clears all caches associated with any symmethods with a given name. The target class is irrelevent because symmethods can be created in roles which may be consumed by multiple unrelated classes.

get_symmethod_names( $target )

For a given class or role, returns a list of the names of symmethods defined directly in that class or role, not considering inheritance and composition.

get_symmethods( $target, $name )

For a given class or role and a method name, returns an arrayref of spec hashrefs for that symmethod, not considering inheritance and composition.

This arrayref can be pushed onto to define more candidates, though this bypasses setting up hooks, installing dispatches, and performing cache invalidation, so install_symmethod is generally preferred unless you're doing something unusual.

get_all_symmethods( $target, $name )

Like get_symmethods, but does consider inheritance and composition. Returns the arrayref of the spec hashrefs in the order they will be called when dispatching.

compile_signature( \%spec )

Does the job of finding keys within the spec to compile into a signature.

_generate_symmethod( $name, \%opts, \%globalopts )

This method is used by import to generate a coderef that will be installed into the called as symmethod.


Please report any bugs to


Sub::MultiMethod, Type::Params, NEXT.


Toby Inkster <>.


This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2022 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.