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Test::DataDirs - manage t/data and t/temp directories for your tests


version 0.1.2


This class is a convenience which provides data directories from which to source information for your tests, and temp directories you can write data.

Declare some temp and data directories you need in your test script as below. These are implicitly relative to t/temp/<yourscriptname> and t/data/<yourscriptname>. Then you may refer to them using the appropriate entry in the returned hash and assume the dirs exist and that the temp dirs have been (re-)created.

    # File: t/test-01.t
    use Test::DataDirs;

    my %D = Test::DataDirs->new(
        temp => [temp_stuff => 'actual-dir',
                 more_temp  => 'another-dir'],
        data => [data_stuff => 'actual-dir'],

    print "My test data is checked into $D{data_stuff}\n"
    print "below $D{data_dir}\n"
    # Prints (except with absolute paths):
    # My test data is checked into t/data/test-01/actual-dir
    # below t/data/test-01

    print "I can write temp data into $D{temp_stuff}\n"
    print "and $D{more_temp}, "below $D{temp_dir}\n"
    # Prints (except with absolute paths):
    # I can write temp data into t/temp/test-01/actual-dir
    # and t/temp/test-01/another-dir below t/data/test-01

This module defines an OO interface. See also Test::DataDirs::Exporter for a module with similar usage but which imports vars into your namespace.


$obj = $class->new(%params)

Given parameters including:

  base => $base_dir,

  data => [ddir1 => relpath3, ddir2 => relpath4 ...]

  temp => [tdir1 => relpath1, tdir2 => relpath2 ...]

Uses base as a base dir in which to find data dirs relpathN (which are checked to exist), and in which to re-create fresh test dirs relpathM.

If base is not given, uses the name of the invoking script, with any leading digits or periods stripped, and any trailing ".t" stripped.

Retuns a hash-based object which keys the names ddirN and tdirN to the appropriate paths constructed from $base_dir and the appropriate relpath.