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Throwable::X - useful eXtra behavior for Throwable exceptions


version 0.008


Write an exception class:

package X::BadValue;
use Moose;

with qw(Throwable::X StackTrace::Auto);

use Throwable::X -all; # to get the Payload helper

sub x_tags { qw(value) }

# What bad value were we given?
has given_value => (
  is => 'ro',
  required => 1,
  traits   => [ Payload ],

# What was the value supposed to be used for?
has given_for => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  traits => [ Payload ],

Throw the exception when you need to:

  ident   => 'bad filename',
  tags    => [ qw(filename) ],
  public  => 1,
  message => "invalid filename %{given_value}s for %{given_for}s",
  given_value => $input,
  given_for   => 'user home directory',

...and when catching:

} catch {
  my $error = $_;

  if ($error->does('Throwable::X') and $error->is_public) {

    # Prints something like:
    # invalid filename \usr\local\src for user home directory

    print $error->message, "\n\n", $error->stack_trace->as_string;


Throwable::X is a collection of behavior for writing exceptions. It's meant to provide:

  • means by which exceptions can be identified without string parsing

  • a structure that can be serialized and reconstituted in other environments

  • maximum composability by dividing features into individual roles

Throwable::X composes the following roles. Each one is documented, but an overview of the features is also provided below so you don't need to hop around in a half dozen roles to understand how to benefit from Throwable::X.

Note that this list does not include StackTrace::Auto. Building a stack isn't needed in all scenarios, so if you want your exceptions to automatically capture a stack trace, compose StackTrace::Auto when building your exception classes.

Features for Identification

Every Throwable::X exception has a required ident attribute that contains a one-line string with printable characters in it. Ideally, the ident doesn't try to describe everything about the error, but serves as a unique identifier for the kind of exception being thrown. Exception handlers looking for specific exceptions can then check the ident for known values. It can also be used for refinement or localization of the message format, described below. This feature is provided by Role::Identifiable::HasIdent.

For less specific identification of classes of exceptions, the exception can be checked for what roles it performs with does, or its tags can be checked with has_tag. All the tags reported by the x_tags methods of every class and role in the exception's composition are present, as well as per-instance tags provided when the exception was thrown. Tags as simple strings consisting of letters, numbers, and dashes. This feature is provided by Role::Identifiable::HasTags.

Throwable::X exceptions also have a message, which (unlike the ident) is meant to be a human-readable string describing precisely what happened. The message argument given when throwing an exception uses a sprintf-like dialect implemented (and described) by String::Errf. It picks data out of the payload (described below) to produce a filled-in string when the message method is called. (The synopsis above gives a very simple example of how this works, but the String::Errf documentation is more useful, generally.) This feature is provided by Role::HasMessage::Errf.

Features for Serialization

The payload method returns a hashref containing the name and value of every attribute with the trait Role::HasPayload::Meta::Attribute::Payload, merged with the hashref (if any) provided as the payload entry to the constructor. There's nothing more to it than that. It's used by the message formatting facility descibed above, and is also useful for serializing exceptions. Assuming no complex values are present in the payload, the structure below should be easy to serialize and use in another program, for example in a web browser receiving a serialized Throwable::X via JSON in response to an XMLHTTPRequest.

  ident   => $err->ident,
  message => $err->message_fmt,
  tags    => [ $err->tags ],
  payload => $err->payload,

There is no specific code present to support doing this, yet.

The payload method is implemented by Role::HasPayload::Merged.

The public attribute, checked with the is_public method, is meant to indicate whether the exception's message is safe to display to end users or send across the wire to remote clients.

Features for Convenience

The throw (or new) method on a Throwable::X exception class can be passed a single string, in which case it will be used as the exception's ident. This is (of course) only useful if no other attribute of the exception is required. This feature is provided by MooseX::OneArgNew.


This library should run on perls released even a long time ago. It should work on any version of perl released in the last five years.

Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum required version will not be increased. The version may be increased for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl.


Ricardo Signes <>


Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.