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Tree::Interval::Fast - Perl extension for efficient creation and manipulation of interval trees.


Version 0.0.1


This module provides a simple and fast implementation of interval trees. It uses the Perl XS extension mechanism by providing a tiny wrapper around an efficient C library which does the core of the work.


Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval - implements an interval stored in the tree


You can create an interval tree, add intervals to it and ask for intervals overlapping with a certain range.

use Tree::Interval::Fast;
use Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval;

# create the tree
my $foo = Tree::Interval::Fast->new();

# add some intervals
$tree->insert(Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval->new(15, 20, 10));
$tree->insert(Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval->new(10, 30, 20));
$tree->insert(Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval->new(17, 19, 30));

# query the tree for an overlapping interval
my $result = $tree->find(6., 7.);
printf "(%.2f, %.2f)", $result->low, $result->high;
print Dumper $result->data; # overlapping interval might store data

# another (unsuccesful) query
$result = $tree->find(1, 4);
if(!$result) {
  print "No overlapping interval with the query.";

# query the tree for all overlapping intervals
my $results = $tree->findall(8, 11);
foreach my $item (@{$results}) {
  print "Query overlaps with (%.2f, %.2f)\n", $item->low, $item->high;



Arg [...]   : None

Example     : my $tree = Tree::Interval::Fast->new();
              carp "Unable to instantiate tree" unless defined $tree;

Description : Creates a new empty interval tree object.

Returntype  : An instance of Tree::Interval::Fast or undef
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Stable


Arg [1]     : Number; query interval left boundary
Arg [2]     : Number; query interval right boundary

Example     : $result = $tree->find(6, 7);
              if($result) {
                printf "Found an overlapping interval: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", $result->low, $result->high
              } else { print "No overlapping interval with (6, 7)\n"; }

Description : Query the tree for an overlapping interval with the specified range.

Returntype  : An instance of Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval, representing the overlapping
              interval, if found, as stored in the tree or undef.
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Unstable


Arg [1]     : Number; query interval left boundary
Arg [2]     : Number; query interval right boundary

Example     : $results = $tree->findall(6, 7);
              if(!$result) {
                print "No overlapping intervals with (6, 7)\n"; 
              } else {
                foreach my $item (@{$results}) {
                  print "Found (%.2f, %.2f)\n", $item->low, $item->high;

Description : Query the tree for all overlapping intervals with the specified range.

Returntype  : ArraryRef; the list of Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval instances, representing 
              each one an overlapping interval, or undef if no interval is found.
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Stable


Arg [1]     : Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval; the interval to insert in the tree

Example     : my $interval = Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval->new(100, 1000, [1, 2, 3]);
              my $ok = $tree->insert($interval);
              if($ok) {
                printf "Could insert (100, 1000)\n";
              } else { print "Something went wrong\n"; }

Description : Insert an interval in the tree.

Returntype  : True/False, depending on whether the insertion was successful or not
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Unstable


Arg [1]     : Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval; the interval to remove from the tree

Example     : my $interval = Tree::Interval::Fast::Interval->new(100, 1000, undef);
              my $ok = $tree->remove($interval);
              if($ok) {
                printf "Could remove (100, 1000)\n";
              } else { print "Something went wrong\n"; }

Description : Remove an interval in the tree.

Returntype  : True/False, depending on whether the operation was successful or not
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Unstable


Arg [...]   : None

Example     : printf "Size of the tree: %d\n", $tree->size();

Description : Get the size (number of intervals) of the tree.

Returntype  : Int; the number of intervals currently stored in the tree.
Exceptions  : None
Caller      : General
Status      : Stable




Alessandro Vullo, <avullo at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-tree-interval-fast at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can obtain the most recent development version of this module via the GitHub repository at Please feel free to submit bug reports, patches etc.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Tree::Interval::Fast

You can also look for information at:


I am very grateful to Julienne Walker for generously providing the source code of his production quality C library for handling AVL balanced trees. The library has been adapted to implement interval trees.

Julienne's library can be found at:


Copyright 2018 Alessandro Vullo.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.