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Trigger - Trigger framework


        use Trigger;
        my $trigger = Trigger->new(
                inline_states => {
                    heap        => {}, # \%hash or \@array or \$scalar or \&sub or object
                    init        => sub {
                        my $context = shift;
                        my $heap = $context->heap;
                        # Initial processing
                    process     =>  sub {
                        my $context = shift;
                        my $heap = $context->heap;
                        my @args = @_;
                        # Main processing
                    trigger_and_action => [
                        sub { # trigger
                            # The place which defines conditions.
                            my $context = shift;
                            my $heap = $context->heap;
                            my @args = @_; # The return value of 'process'
                            # 'trigger' must return a value or must return FALSE.
                            # ex.) defined $result ? return $result : return;
                        } => sub { # action
                            my $context = shift;
                            my $heap = $context->heap;
                            # Processing to carry out when a condition was satisfied

                            # 'action' will be performed if 'trigger' returns true.
                            my @trigger_re = @_; # The return value of 'trigger'

                        #   One or more triggers and actions can be defined.
                sub { # trigger
                    #   :
                } => [ 
                        # The reference of arrangement can define two or more "actions."
                        # "Action" is performed by the defined turn.
                        sub { # action
                            my $context = shift;
                        my $heap = $context->heap;
                        #   :
                        sub { # action
                            my $context = shift;
                        my $heap = $context->heap;
                        #   :
          end     =>  sub {
              my $context = shift;
              my $heap = $context->heap;
              # Post-processing

  while ( @list ){
      my @args = split /,/, $_;
      my $result = $trigger->eval(@args) or last;
      # It evaluates whether the conditions of a trigger are fulfilled.


When conditions (Triggers) are set, the specified action will be processed automatically. More than one Trigger and action can be defined.



A trigger and action are defined.


The result of an eval method returned the result processed by 'process'. When the conditions of a trigger are fulfilled, the result of action serves as a return value of an eval method. When one or more triggers are defined, the return value of action performed at the end turns into a return value of an eval method.


Yuji Suzuki <> # Japanese only


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-trigger at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Trigger

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2007 Yuji Suzuki, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.