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Venus::Assert - Assert Class


Assert Class for Perl 5


package main;
my $assert = Venus::Assert->new('Float');
# $assert->accept('float');
# $assert->format(sub{sprintf('%.2f', $_)});
# $assert->result(123.456);
# 123.46


This package provides a mechanism for asserting type constraints and coercions on data. Type constraints are handled via Venus::Constraint, and coercions are handled via Venus::Coercion, using Venus::Check to perform data type validations.


This package has the following attributes:


name(string $data) (string)

The name attribute is read-write, accepts (string) values, and is optional.

Since 1.40

name example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $set_name = $assert->name("Example");
# "Example"
name example 2
# given: synopsis
# given: example-1 name
package main;
my $get_name = $assert->name;
# "Example"


This package inherits behaviors from:



This package integrates behaviors from:



This package provides the following methods:


accept(string $name, any @args) (Venus::Assert)

The accept method registers a condition via "check" based on the arguments provided. The built-in types are defined as methods in Venus::Check.

Since 1.40

accept example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->accept('float');
# bless(..., "Venus::Assert")
# $assert->valid;
# false
# $assert->valid(1.01);
# true
accept example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->accept('number');
# bless(..., "Venus::Assert")
# $assert->valid(1.01);
# false
# $assert->valid(1_01);
# true
accept example 3
# given: synopsis
package Example1;
sub new {
bless {};
package Example2;
sub new {
bless {};
package main;
$assert = $assert->accept('object');
# bless(..., "Venus::Assert")
# $assert->valid;
# false
# $assert->valid(qr//);
# false
# $assert->valid(Example1->new);
# true
# $assert->valid(Example2->new);
# true
accept example 4
# given: synopsis
package Example1;
sub new {
bless {};
package Example2;
sub new {
bless {};
package main;
$assert = $assert->accept('Example1');
# bless(..., "Venus::Assert")
# $assert->valid;
# false
# $assert->valid(qr//);
# false
# $assert->valid(Example1->new);
# true
# $assert->valid(Example2->new);
# false


check(Venus::Check $data) (Venus::Check)

The check method gets or sets the Venus::Check object used for performing runtime data type validation.

Since 3.55

check example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $check = $assert->check(Venus::Check->new);
# bless(..., 'Venus::Check')
check example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $check = $assert->check;
# bless(..., 'Venus::Check')


clear() (Venus::Assert)

The clear method resets the "check", "constraint", and "coercion" attributes and returns the invocant.

Since 1.40

clear example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->clear;
# bless(..., "Venus::Assert")


coerce(any $data) (any)

The coerce method dispatches to the "coercion" object and returns the result of the "result" in Venus::Coercion operation.

Since 3.55

coerce example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->format(sub{sprintf('%.2f', $_)});
my $coerce = $assert->coerce(123.456);
# 123.46
coerce example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->format(sub{ucfirst lc $_});
my $coerce = $assert->coerce('heLLo');
# "Hello"


coercion(Venus::Coercion $data) (Venus::Coercion)

The coercion method gets or sets the Venus::Coercion object used for performing runtime data type coercions.

Since 3.55

coercion example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $coercion = $assert->coercion(Venus::Coercion->new);
# bless(..., 'Venus::Coercion')
coercion example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $coercion = $assert->coercion;
# bless(..., 'Venus::Coercion')


conditions() (Venus::Assert)

The conditions method is an object construction hook that allows subclasses to configure the object on construction setting up constraints and coercions and returning the invocant.

Since 1.40

conditions example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->conditions;
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
conditions example 2
sub conditions {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->accept('number', sub {
$_ >= 0
return $self;
package main;
my $assert = Example::Type::PositveNumber->new;
# $assert->valid(0);
# true
# $assert->valid(1);
# true
# $assert->valid(-1);
# false


constraint(Venus::Constraint $data) (Venus::Constraint)

The constraint method gets or sets the Venus::Constraint object used for performing runtime data type constraints.

Since 3.55

constraint example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $constraint = $assert->constraint(Venus::Constraint->new);
# bless(..., 'Venus::Constraint')
constraint example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $constraint = $assert->constraint;
# bless(..., 'Venus::Constraint')


ensure(coderef $code) (Venus::Assert)

The ensure method registers a custom (not built-in) constraint condition and returns the invocant.

Since 3.55

ensure example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $ensure = $assert->ensure(sub {
$_ >= 0
# bless(.., "Venus::Assert")


expression(string $expr) (Venus::Assert)

The expression method parses a string representation of an type assertion, registers the subexpressions using the "accept" method, and returns the invocant.

Since 1.71

expression example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->expression('string');
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
# $assert->valid('hello');
# true
# $assert->valid(['goodbye']);
# false
expression example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->expression('string | coderef');
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
# $assert->valid('hello');
# true
# $assert->valid(sub{'hello'});
# true
# $assert->valid(['goodbye']);
# false
expression example 3
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->expression('string | coderef | Venus::Assert');
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
# $assert->valid('hello');
# true
# $assert->valid(sub{'hello'});
# true
# $assert->valid($assert);
# true
# $assert->valid(['goodbye']);
# false
expression example 4
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->expression('Venus::Assert | within[arrayref, Venus::Assert]');
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
# $assert->valid('hello');
# false
# $assert->valid(sub{'hello'});
# false
# $assert->valid($assert);
# true
# $assert->valid(['goodbye']);
# false
# $assert->valid([$assert]);
# true
expression example 5
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->expression('
| within[
arrayref, within[
hashref, string
# bless(..., 'Venus::Assert')
# $assert->valid('hello');
# true
# $assert->valid(sub{'hello'});
# false
# $assert->valid($assert);
# false
# $assert->valid([]);
# false
# $assert->valid([{'test' => ['okay']}]);
# false
# $assert->valid([{'test' => 'okay'}]);
# true


format(coderef $code) (Venus::Assert)

The format method registers a custom (not built-in) coercion condition and returns the invocant.

Since 3.55

format example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $format = $assert->format(sub {
sprintf '%.2f', $_
# bless(.., "Venus::Assert")


parse(string $expr) (any)

The parse method accepts a string representation of a type assertion and returns a data structure representing one or more method calls to be used for validating the assertion signature.

Since 2.01

parse example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('');
# ['']
parse example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('any');
# ['any']
parse example 3
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('string | number');
# ['either', 'string', 'number']
parse example 4
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('enum[up,down,left,right]');
# [['enum', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right']]
parse example 5
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('number | float | boolean');
# ['either', 'number', 'float', 'boolean']
parse example 6
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('Example');
# ['Example']
parse example 7
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('coderef | Venus::Code');
# ['either', 'coderef', 'Venus::Code']
parse example 8
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('tuple[number, arrayref, coderef]');
# [['tuple', 'number', 'arrayref', 'coderef']]
parse example 9
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse('tuple[number, within[arrayref, hashref], coderef]');
# [['tuple', 'number', ['within', 'arrayref', 'hashref'], 'coderef']]
parse example 10
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse(
'tuple[number, within[arrayref, hashref] | arrayref, coderef]'
# [
# ['tuple', 'number',
# ['either', ['within', 'arrayref', 'hashref'], 'arrayref'], 'coderef']
# ]
parse example 11
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $parsed = $assert->parse(
'hashkeys["id", number | float, "upvotes", within[arrayref, boolean]]'
# [[
# 'hashkeys',
# 'id',
# ['either', 'number', 'float'],
# 'upvotes',
# ['within', 'arrayref', 'boolean']
# ]]


render(string $into, string $expression) (string)

The render method builds and returns a type expressions suitable for providing to "expression" based on the data provided.

Since 2.55

render example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->render;
# undef
render example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->render(undef, 'string');
# "string"
render example 3
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->render('routines', ['say', 'say_pretty']);
# 'routines["say", "say_pretty"]'
render example 4
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->render('hashkeys', {id => 'number', name => 'string'});
# 'hashkeys["id", number, "name", string]'
render example 5
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert = $assert->render('hashkeys', {
id => 'number',
profile => {
level => 'string',
# 'hashkeys["id", number, "profile", hashkeys["level", string]]'


result(any $data) (any)

The result method validates the value provided against the registered constraints and if valid returns the result of the value having any registered coercions applied. If the value is invalid an exception from Venus::Check will be thrown.

Since 3.55

result example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->accept('number')->format(sub{sprintf '%.2f', $_});
my $result = $assert->result(1);
# "1.00"
result example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->accept('number')->format(sub{sprintf '%.2f', $_});
my $result = $assert->result('hello');
# Exception! (isa Venus::Check::Error) (see error_on_coded)


valid(any $data) (any)

The valid method dispatches to the "constraint" object and returns the result of the "result" in Venus::Constraint operation.

Since 3.55

valid example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->ensure(sub{$_ >= 1});
my $valid = $assert->valid('1.00');
# true
valid example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
$assert->ensure(sub{$_ >= 1});
my $valid = $assert->valid('0.99');
# false


validate(any $data) (any)

The validate method validates the value provided against the registered constraints and if valid returns the value. If the value is invalid an exception from Venus::Check will be thrown.

Since 3.55

validate example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $validate = $assert->validate(1);
# 1
validate example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $validate = $assert->validate('hello');
# Exception! (isa Venus::Check::Error) (see error_on_coded)


validator(any @args) (coderef)

The validator method returns a coderef which calls the "validate" method with the invocant when called.

Since 3.55

validator example 1
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $validator = $assert->validator;
# sub{...}
# my $result = $validator->();
# Exception! (isa Venus::Check::Error) (see error_on_coded)
validator example 2
# given: synopsis
package main;
my $validator = $assert->validator;
# sub{...}
# my $result = $validator->('hello');
# "hello"




Copyright (C) 2022, Awncorp,

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license version 2.0.