eBay::API::XML::Call::GetItemShipping inherits from the eBay::API::XML::BaseCall class
Destination country code. If DestinationCountryCode is US, postal code is required and represents US zip code.
Default: US
RequiredInput: Conditionally
# Argument: 'ns:CountryCodeType'
Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). Ignored if no country code is provided. Optional tag for some countries. More likely to be required for large countries.
RequiredInput: Conditionally
# Argument: 'xs:string'
The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. Required input.
MaxLength: 19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
RequiredInput: Yes
# Argument: 'ns:ItemIDType'
Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together.
RequiredInput: No
# Argument: 'xs:int'
Shipping-related details for the specified item. Any error about shipping services (returned by a vendor of eBay's who calculates shipping costs) is returned in ShippingRateErrorMessage. Errors from a shipping service are likely to be related to issues with shipping specifications, such as package size and the selected shipping method not supported by a particular shipping service.<br> <br>It is possible for a seller to offer a shipping service which turns out to be a mismatch in some way with the item(s) being shipped. For example, if a buyer purchases more than one of an item, the weight might be too great for First Class mail. In such a case, GetItemShipping will omit that shipping service from the response.
Returned: Always
# Returns: 'ns:ShippingDetailsType'