

Returns an array of transaction data for the item specified in the request. The results can be used to create a report of data that is commonly necessary for end-of-auction processing. Zero, one, or many Transaction objects can be returned in the array. The set of transactions returned is limited to those that were modified between the times specified in the request's ModTimeFrom and ModTime filters. Also returns the item object that spawned the transactions. If pagination filters were specified in the request, returns meta-data describing the effects of those filters on the current response and the estimated effects if the same filters are used in subsequent calls.



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetItemTransactions::GetItemTransactionsResponseType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::ResponseDataType class



Indicates whether there are additional transactions to retrieve. That is, indicates whether more pages of data are available to be returned, given the filters that were specified in the request. Returns false for the last page of data.

# Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Item object that spawned the transaction. It is a purchase from this item's listing that the transaction represents.

# Argument: 'ns:ItemType'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'ns:ItemType'


Page number for the page of transactions the response returned.

# Argument: 'xs:int'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'xs:int'


Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total number of entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that could be returned given repeated calls that use the same selection criteria as the call that returned this response.

# Argument: 'ns:PaginationResultType'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'ns:PaginationResultType'


Indicates whether the item's seller has the preference enabled that shows that the seller prefers PayPal as the method of payment for an item. This preference is indicated on an item's View Item page and is intended to influence a buyer to use PayPal to pay for the item.

# Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Number of transactions retrieved in the current page of results just returned. May be a lower value than TransactionsPerPage if the page returned is the last page and more than one page of data exists.

# Argument: 'xs:int'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'xs:int'


List of Transaction objects representing the transactions resulting from the listing. Each Transaction object contains the data for one purchase (of one or more items in the same listing). The Transaction.Item field is not returned because the Item object is returned at the root level of the response. See the reference guide for more information about the fields that are returned.

# Argument: 'ns:TransactionArrayType'


Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'ns:TransactionArrayType'


Number of transactions returned per page (per call). May be a higher value than ReturnedTransactionCountActual if the page returned is the last page and more than one page of data exists.

# Argument: 'xs:int'


Returned: Always
Details: DetailLevel: none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
# Returns: 'xs:int'