

Retrieves a summary of pending or paid payments that created for the seller identified by the authentication token in the request. Only retrieves payments that occurred within a particular pay period. Each payment is for one transaction for one item in one order. An order can contain transactions for multiple items from multiple sellers, but this call only retrieves payments that are relevant to one seller. The financial value of a payment is typically based on an amount that a buyer paid to for a transaction, with adjustments for shipping costs and's commission. For most sellers, each month contains two pay periods: One from the 1st to the 15th of the month, and one from the 16th to the last day of the month. Sellers can refer to their account information on the site to determine their pay periods. (You cannot retrieve a seller's pay periods by using eBay Web Services.) When a buyer makes a purchase and an order is created, creates a payment for the seller and marks it as Pending in the seller's account. Within a certain number of days after the pay period ends, settles payments for that period and marks each completed payment as Paid. See the Web site online help for more information about how payments are managed.



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetSellerPayments::GetSellerPaymentsRequestType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::RequestDataType class



If many payments are available, you may need to call GetSellerPayments multiple times to retrieve all the data. Each result set is returned as a page of entries. Use this Pagination information to indicate the maximum number of entries to retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number to retrieve, and other data.

RequiredInput: No
# Argument: 'ns:PaginationType'


# Returns: 'ns:PaginationType'


Filter to retrieve only items with the specified payment status (Paid or Pending). "Pending payments" are payments that has created but that have not yet been sent to the seller's financial institution. Pending payments are typically available once a buyer pays for an order. As processes payments by using periodic batch jobs, the GetSellerPayments response might not include a transaction's payment for up to 20 minutes after the buyer has paid. You can retrieve pending payments for the current pay period. Pending payments that have not been settled yet can also be retrieved for previous pay periods. "Paid payments" are payments that processed during previous pay periods. Paid payments might not appear in the seller's financial institution account balance until a certain number of days after the current pay period ends (see the online help for details). You can only retrieve paid payments for one previous pay period at a time.

RequiredInput: Yes
AllValuesExcept: Canceled
# Argument: 'ns:RCSPaymentStatusCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:RCSPaymentStatusCodeType'


Time range filter that retrieves payments that were created within a single pay period. Sellers can refer to the site to determine their pay periods. PaymentTimeFrom is the earliest (oldest) time and PaymentTimeTo is the latest (most recent) time in the range. pay periods start and end at midnight Pacific time, but the time values are stored in the database in GMT (not Pacific time). See "Time Values" in the eBay Web Services guide for information about converting between GMT and Pacific time. <br> <br> If you specify a PaymentStatus of Pending, add a buffer of one hour (or one day) to both ends of the time range to retrieve more data than you need, and then filter the results on the client side as needed. If any pending payments match the request, the response may include all payments since the beginning of the period. <br> <br> If you specify a PaymentStatus of Paid, the time range must contain one full pay period. That is, PaymentTimeFrom must be earlier or equal the start time of the pay period, and PaymentTimeTo must be later than or equal to the end time of the pay period. Otherwise, no paid payments are returned. For example, if the pay period starts on 2005-09-16 and ends on 2005-09-30, you could specify an earlier PaymentTimeFrom value of 2005-09-16T00:00:00.000Z and a later PaymentTimeTo value of 2005-10-01T12:00:00.000Z. <br> <br> If you specify a time range that covers two pay periods, only the payments from the most recent pay period are returned. The earliest time you can specify is 18 months ago.

RequiredInput: Yes
# Argument: 'xs:dateTime'


# Returns: 'xs:dateTime'


Time range filter that retrieves payments for a single pay period. See the description of PaymentTimeTo for details about using this time range filter. For paid payments, this value should be equal to or later than the end of the last day of the pay period, where the time is converted to GMT. For example, if the period ends on 2005-09-30, you could specify 2005-10-01T09:00:00.000Z, which is later than the end of the last day.

RequiredInput: Yes
# Argument: 'xs:dateTime'


# Returns: 'xs:dateTime'